
The Forgotten Prole

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Comrades, I read of this travesty yesterday, but reich wing censors of the interwebs weren't allowing access to the web page after the tumultuous outcry of the American people! In fact, it is still impossible, more than 24 hours after my first attempt, to view the enlarged painting on the artist's website. ~spit~

But as a resourceful Cubist™ I found a copy elsewhere and am posting it for you all to see! You can still read all about this disgusting travesty - and even see a list of who the presidents in the painting are - here - as the artist tries to explain why he painted Dear Leader standing on that outdated so-called "Constitution" that's lying in the dirt.

Among other silly statements, he says this: "... I feel shock at the direction our country is heading...". Well, comrades, don't we all?? I feel the pull and excitement of Next Tuesday every morning when I wake up, and the speed at which we are now approaching it with Dear Leader about to be re-elected is both shocking and breathtaking!

It also warms my heart to see the Good Presidents standing on Dear Leaders left (your right - shudder) and applauding as The One stands proudly on the Constitution, grinding it into the dust where it belongs!

Ahhh, Next Tuesday IS, truly, almost here!

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Comrade are you certain about your interpretation of the events depicted in the paiting? It looks to me like James Madison who is bending over behind Obama is actually begging for a chance to stand on that worthless piece of paper too. But remember Obama himself alluded to being the 4th greatest president ever (he is so humble it literally breaks my heart) so Madison will clearly have to wait his turn.....

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Proletariat Robot-
I respectfully disagree. The detestable Mr. Madison is bowing to Dear Leader, for he recognizes that his intellect pales in comparison to Obama that Obama is the true constitutional expert. Dear Leader was a constitutional lawyer, you know.

Image I found this quote the other day and found it disturbingly insightful of today's situation although written 60+ years ago:
[table][tr][td]In this welfare state, paternal government should be free to accomplish all things it considers beneficial to the commonweal. No "scraps of paper" should restrain an enlightened ruler in his endeavors to promote the general welfare. All opponents must be crushed mercilessly lest they frustrate the beneficial action of the government. No empty formalities must protect them any longer against their well-deserved punishment. It is customary to call the point of view of the advocates of the welfare state the "social" point of view as distinguished from the "individualistic" and "selfish" point of view of the champions of the rule of law.In fact, however, the supporters of the welfare state are utterly antisocial and intolerant zealots. For their ideology tacitly implies that the government will exactly execute what they themselves deem right and beneficial. They entirely disregard the possibility that there could arise disagreement with regard to the question of what is right and expedient and what is not. They advocate enlightened despotism, but they are convinced that the enlightened despot will in every detail comply with their own opinion concerning the measures to be adopted. They favor planning, but what they have in mind is exclusively their own plan, not those of other people.They want to exterminate all opponents, that is, all those who disagree with them. They are utterly intolerant and are not prepared to allow any discussion. Every advocate of the welfare state and of planning is a potential dictator. What he plans is to deprive all other men of all their rights, and to establish his own and his friends' unrestricted omnipotence. He refuses to convince his fellow-citizens. He prefers to "liquidate" them. He scorns the "bourgeois" society that worships law and legal procedure. [/td][/tr][/table]
-Ludwig von Mises, Planned Chaos

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A most equal post!

[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]At first, after reading all replies, I was rearing to go about a comment saying that Madison must be so grateful to act as a latrine for our Dear Leader.

Alas, I just couldn't.

I saw this painting, too, and wished I could Zoom in on the former Presidents to see their expressions! Thank you for your diligence in providing us with this "enlargement!"

Your post brought me to tears! A needed and most welcome release! Thank you!

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Image Ah, a picture that finally surrounds Dear Leader with His Most Excellent Forefathers of politick. Note their well-pressed suits, compared to the ridiculous garb of the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic Zionists clearly plotting a coordinated attack to rob our poor prole of his Free Contribution to the funds for the world of Next Tuesday.

Image A-freaking-mazing! I wish I could paint like that @_@

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I think the dead white president Madison is getting ready to pounce on the cash Obama has left for him on the ground as any correct-thinking Progressive leader would (of course, the gathered cash will be used to buy milk and bread for The Children ™.) The other dead white presidents are exhorting the prole to help himself by taking advantage of government benefits, such as cash laying on the ground. All in all, a very flattering portrait of the Great Leader Obama, who fulfills the promise of progressivism by leaving a lot of cash laying on the ground.

I know I am right because I feel it in my heart.

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@Fourier's Anti-Manatee: During a staged photo-shoot of Obama playing in the surf in Hawaii, I am pretty sure I saw that quote tattooed on his left hind cheek.....

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Just think of what our dear leader has managed over these very lonnnnnnnnng three years:

Not only has he Downgraded our credit rating….

[Hence his nickname – President Downgrade]

But he has managed to Downgrade the economy, Downgrade our military, Downgrade our standing with the rest of the world, Downgrade our founding documents and even Downgraded our trust in the government even more false statistics from the BLS.

Who could have imagined that President Downgrade could do all of this?

And who could imagine how much more Downgrading things will become if he's re-erected?


I wish Dear Leader would teach us more about Stalinism besides just using pitchforks on white businessmen. I want to know how Hitler also robbed from the wealthy %, the Jews.

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Opiate, of course you know you're right if you feel it in your heart. I saw that Libertarian thug Stossel interviewing a superintendent of schools who hated testing and when asked how he knew that the students were getting it, said, "I can see it in their eyes."

He feels. Oh how he feels. He feels that his teachers should never been tested. But since they're not teaching children, only indoctrinating them in the ways of progitude, that's all right.


I challenge this picture. I know that that is not the original Constitution that Lord O is standing on. That's a replica. He used and Nanski used the original one as a napkin with an order of Buffalo wings and then Moochelle wiped her ass with it. Which covers some area.

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@Father Prog T. Comrade, to wipe Moochelle's ass it took the Constitution, Bill of Rights and to get that last precious dingle-berry the Declaration Of Independence.... But she doesn't need useless old scratchy documents anymore because the MSM and Hollywood elites are lining-up to to lick it clean for her....

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PR, you're right. Ah, the MSM and Hollywood's Rim-o-rama for Moochelle Obama. Indeed, they all have out their slavering tongues. They are perfectly delighted to taste Moochelle's derriere because they've just been to a wine, cheese, and fart party over on K Street. That's where they all take an empty wine glass, lift their legs, and fart into it, and huff the farts.

The cheese comes from imperfect hygiene.

And the wine is chugged by the lookers-on.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:PR, you're right. Ah, the MSM and Hollywood's Rim-o-rama for Moochelle Obama. Indeed, they all have out their slavering tongues. They are perfectly delighted to taste Moochelle's derriere because they've just been to a wine, cheese, and fart party over on K Street. That's where they all take an empty wine glass, lift their legs, and fart into it, and huff the farts.

The cheese comes from imperfect hygiene.

And the wine is chugged by the lookers-on.

Hey, Father Prog!

May I remind you that "Nuthin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven and unfettered farts say it best!" No?

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I recall once our MTE had a fart party but well, the people smothered, and we don't know if it was from the flesh or the farts.