
Good News Comrades!!!

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It has been announced by This Party Organ that 1.8 million new Democrat voters have been found!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Next Tuesday™ - it's nearly here!!


This is indeed excellent news! After all, if voter registration records were accurate, our useful idiots of the Democrat Party would not be able to win nearly as many elections. We must, therefore, continue to oppose photo IDs for voting, oppose proof of citizenship to register to vote, and continue to press for motorvoter registration and same day registration in order to facilitate voter fraud so we can continue toward the glorious world of Next Tuesday.

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Comrades, my feelings are mixed this is indeed outstanding news. The Party Organ does indeed report that “that there are about 1.8 million dead people listed as active voters.” Even the tone in the article is melancholy, as am I. While not writing poetry heroic epics for The One, or slamming sipping party-rationed Stoli, I, too, shovel irregularly up to 12 hours a day to find eligible voters bring re-animated re-activated progressive stewards back into the Light… But only 1.8 million?…What I'm getting at is this, comrades. I fear we are not working hard enough!

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Comrade Vos, fear not - remember, this 1.8 million newly found Democrat voters DOES NOT include the SEVERAL MILLION illegal aliens and DUPLICATE voters - don't forget, one of many delightful, and yet so practical, Party slogans is "Vote early - vote often - vote Democrat!"

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Comrade Vos, fear not - remember, this 1.8 million newly found Democrat voters DOES NOT include the SEVERAL MILLION illegal aliens and DUPLICATE voters - don't forget, one of many delightful, and yet so practical, Party slogans is "Vote early - vote often - vote Democrat!"
Thank you for the new-found sobriety comrade. I know not what came over me in my attempt to liberate the dead so they may naturally vote twice at their walking-dead-accommodative precinct. How silly of me. Only 0ne man can raise the dead to vote and we know who that his (praise Him!). I put shovel down now. I am confident the Rethuglican conspiracy of disenfranchising every organism, from winter squash to streptococcus to snow leopard to dead person from voting (Prog of course, with no coercion) will fail when the Light of new Truth Teams hit the SEUI-paved streets! O Tingle!

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Being as near to Dear Leader's home in Chicago as I am, I look forward to using the public transportation to cart my entitled fanny to as many districts as our hybrid buses can carry me.