
Sob Stories Wanted! Tell Obama What $40 Means to You

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Thanks to those damned no-good Republicans who like to play games with people's lives just to score cheap political points, the payroll tax cut is about to expire again—and only two lousy months after they finally, albeit begrudgingly, agreed to vote for one—but only for those two lousy months!

The only reason they agreed at all is because of Americans like you . . . you and your heart-rending, compelling sob stories of what $40.00 a month means to you.

So we're doing it again! Obama is asking you to send in more stories of how your lives will be forever ruined and destroyed beyond all repair if Congress doesn't act right freaking now to extend the payroll tax cut yet again!

Click here for a personal appeal from none other than Dear Leader himself:

No writing skills? No problem! You can also send in a video of yourself! No speaking skills? Do you mumble and stammer a lot? Still no problem, as the many You Tube videos posted by grassroots progs like you will attest! If you like, you can just take a photo of yourself holding up a sign that says what $40.00 means to you—or you could even take a picture of yourself holding up and pointing to the very thing* you'll have to give up if Republicans don't act now!

The sadder and more pathetic your tale of woe, the better! Tug enough heartstrings and set enough violins playing, and Obama just might mention you by name in one of his speeches! And that's not all—you might even be invited to stand next to him while he signs the new payroll tax cut extension into law, or even sit in the balcony next to the First Lady the next time he and the teleprompters hold forth to a joint session of Congress!

But wait, there's more! All those morning news shows will want to interview you and ask you about how excited you were to be mentioned by Obama, or stand next to Obama, or sit next to his wife, and they'll give you all the free stuff from their corporate sponsors that you're entitled to get anyway!

But best of all, you'll get to receive FREE e-mails from Obama straight to your mailbox—and for the rest of your life! It's just our little way of saying "thank you" for doing your part to send a strong message of your own to Republicans that you're not going to put up with any more of THEIR crap!

Now get cracking! Those power-grubbing, overreaching Republicans are already scheming to take away our free contraception—and before Obama has even had the chance to give it to us! Don't let them take away your free $40.00 a month, too!
*Earrings do not qualify as according to First Lady Michelle Obama, you'll need at least $560.00 more for those.

Michelle Obama: Spend $600 stimulus check on earrings
"You're getting $600 -what can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn't pay down every bill every month," she said. "The short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good, and it may even feel good that first month when you get that check, and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings."


$40 means that the bum is defunding the Social Security Safety Net Trust Fund. The compassion canard is about used up. Everytime we rob people out of compassion, we get poorer and less secure.

Strategic communist lie strategy at work.
It's the logic of a lying drunken wife beater Marx.

With gasoline and electricity and food going up and up, I want Bush back. At least he was responsible and answered questions of the Press Corp all the way to the end..
Obama won't answer questions of the Press Corpse.
Obama is responsible for nothing.

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$40.00? A box of ammo, range fees and $15 saved toward my next new gun...

Oh, ahhhh that's what a reichwing Teabagger Rethuglikkan might say.

If asked. Ever.

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With $40 a month, I can "invest" it in Dear Leader's 2012 campaign and get $400 a month when he's re-elected! I DESERVE IT! I'M ENTITLED! IT'S NOT EASY BEING ME!

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Good God man! That's two $20 rocks of crack! Uh. So I've been told anyway.

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Oh! Oh! Oh!

Red Square could start a new monthly subscription program to the People's Cube so everyone smart enough to be thrilled with Obama and this generous gift can sign up for the best use of this mana from heaven, a paid subscription to TPC. Why get it for free when you can pay for it!

It's the same idea only better 'cause now you get a subscription whereas before you didn't have one.

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How dare the scoundrels play with my imaginary, hypothetical $40. Disgusting! Do those right-wingers have any idea what I could do with that imaginary hypothetical $40? Of course they can't. But I fear I'm confused again....anyway. For Dear Leader I filmed a silent movie, in Braille subtitles, of me standing over an oven frying my onions and sweet potatoes in a dish I call Kangaroo. My wife holds a placard in the background with a tear in her eye and the Obama logo. The camera pans across the kitchen and fades out on an empty Vodka bottle. I synced the whole thing with Nigel Tufnel's "Lick My Love Pump" in the background.[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]
Between @flag, @attackwatch, @truthteam, and now @40DollarSob how does he have time to...oh never mind.

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Comrades, I will do what I did last year ... since the savings came at the expense of my Social Sekurity, I used my $40 to purchase a one-ounce silver coin, which will still buy me food when two 20-dollar federal reserve notes will not purchase even a loaf of bread.

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Dear President Obama!
I need $40 to buy
- poster board
- crayons
- tent
- KY jelly
- condoms
- rape whistle
I am the 99%!!!


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Red, he'll never buy that line; the Occupy comrades don't have jobs, so they don't get payroll checks, so they dopn't have payroll deductions....

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$40 doesn't even scratch the surface of my student loans...

Image Loyal comrades on the Twitters have already made use of the #40dollars tag, as well as the ever blessed and noble #truthteam and #attackwatch tags. I only regret that the rethugliKKKans have done likewise, and funnier than us, too.

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I wondered, initially, why the beautiful young prog in Comrade Red Square's post would need a rape whistle. After all, love is free, and progressive young men are entitled, are they not?

And then I realized that not all young men are Democrats (although 99% are). ALL progressive young women need that $40.00 to make sure that they have a good supply of rape whistles TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST THE 1% TEABAGGER RETHUGLIKKKAN MEN!!!

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Red, he'll never buy that line; the Occupy comrades don't have jobs, so they don't get payroll checks, so they dopn't have payroll deductions....

You mean to tell me I can't get a payroll tax cut if I'm not on a payroll???? THAT'S NOT FAIR! WAAAAAH! THAT'S DISCRIMINATORY! IT'S RAAAAAACIST! I'm gonna call a lawyer and have him or her look in the Commerce Clause.... there's gotta be somethin' in there about this miscarriage of justice!

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Elliot Spitzer: $40.00 can still get me “around the world” down in East Harlem.

Anthony Weiner: $40 bucks will get me that wide lens view for my next self pic!!

Hillary Clinton: $40 will buy an extra 12 carnations I can place on Vince Foster's grave.

Bill Clinton: With 40 dollars I can replace those cheap cigars that Hillary & Huma Abedin used.

Barney Frank: $40 bucks just happens to be my monthly dues for NAMBLA!

Henry Waxman: I bet I can get someone to sit by me if I pay them $40.00……

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Proletarian Robot wrote: Henry Waxman: I bet I can get someone to sit by me if I pay them $40.00……

There will be numerous takers for that bet.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Red, he'll never buy that line; the Occupy comrades don't have jobs, so they don't get payroll checks, so they dopn't have payroll deductions....


Betinov, what the hell's the matter with you? Don't you know that people who don't make enough money to pay taxes still get tax credits? So why shouldn't the Occupussies get a payroll tax cut even though they don't have a job? Don't you understand? This is FREE Obama money that Obama gets from--I don't know, from his stash, but only if the Republicans pass a bill to let him do it--another reason We Can't Wait for Congress anymore.

Now I need $40 to buy a new shovel--only I think I'm entitled to a FREE shovel from the Government. Why should I have to pay for it?

Oh, and by the way, Betinov--you really disgust me.

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Ahhhh.... It's been a long time since you've whacked me, Pinkie. It was just like I remembered.

Kommrades! We should ALL give our $40 wind-fall to the Chi-Coms... It's their money anyway... Right?

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Frankly, I haven't the slightest idea what I need $40.00 for, since the Government already gives me everything I need--housing, gas, groceries, health care with all it encompasses, which is to say it encompasses all.

But since I'm already receiving that $40.00 anyway, those dastardly Republicans better not dare even think of trying to take it away from me, or so help me Lenin I'll break a lot of windows, loot some businesses, and maybe even knock over a few SUVs and torch them. And if anyone tries to stop me, I'll scream police brutality and that my rights are being trampled.

Hell, I might even bare my boobs--and no one wants to see THAT.

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Obama has jacked up the deficit by 5,170,000,000,000.00 dollars in four years which is 17,000 dollars for every man woman and child in the United States. But it's okay because he's giving me forty dollars cash back!

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Comrades, I'm still worried about Joseph from New Jersey. ... ll-tax-cut

Obama just about ripped my heart out when he said the following:

Joseph from New Jersey talked about how he would have to sacrifice the
occasional pizza night with his daughters. He said -- and I'm quoting -- “My
16-year-old twins will be out of the house soon. I'll miss this.”
Does that not make you weep? Oh, I had so many fluids running down every part of my face, I had to remove my red scarf to wipe them away, and almost two months later I'm still trying to wring it out. This was back in December—and his heartwrenching story of what $40.00 meant to him was tragic enough to get Obama's attention and thus be included in one of his speeches. Joseph is a hero.

But that's the trouble with having kids. Everything's fine until they grow up and leave home, and then not only must you say goodbye to the occasional pizza night, but you lose tax deductions and, depending on your situation, many other benefits from the government.

And that's what concerns me now. Once those 16-year-old twins are grown up and out of the house, what will Joseph do then? Will he still need that $40.00 for the occasional pizza night, or will times still be so tough that the twins will continue to have to live at home with him indefinitely?

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:
Hell, I might even bare my boobs--
Image (a waste of good Stoli...)

Excuse me???

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What? WHAT???? Someone put a gun to Pinkie's head and took her $40 away? How did THAT happen?
Oh well. Now we'll never know what Pinkie could have bought with the 40 dollars received from the government thanks to Obama's payroll tax cut!


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So if I have this right, for $40 that she won't get--Pinkie will show her boobs?

Who else doesn't have $40 in disposable income?

Image Looks like another week I won't make Beet of the Week...

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The week is still young, Comrade. And I'll chip in $20.00!

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I suppose you could see ONE if you didn't donate your $20.

Comrades, I'm not pimping out dearest Pinkie, I'm just trying to understand the new economic situation (don't give up money and you get something), and this new currency (boobs, but how do you make change?) that Pinkie is trying to mint as legal tender ... I think the idea has merit!

Mama always said "don't put money in your mouth, you don't know where it's been..." This could change, I think.

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Tovarichi, over here. Stand right here and look at that picture of Obama. Now heads up, Whacking Boy!


Surely Red Square should know better than to even consider I might ever do away with myself by putting a bullet through my head. Guns are messy and bad and are the leading cause of workplace violence, even in the military.

He, more than anyone else here, should know that I'm more likely to jump off a ledge. For peace.

And to further clarify matters, Tovarichi, it's only if the Republicans take away my $40.00 that I'll bare my boobs in protest. But only if the looting, torching, and calling the cops pigs for not letting me go to the bathroom on the hood of their cruiser doesn't send a strong enough message to those greedy, hateful Republicans that what Obama gives to us, no one can or will take it away!

Or else!
Last edited by Commissarka Pinkie on 2/16/2012, 8:55 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: What's a girl gotta do around here to make a #$%^&*ing hyperlink without saying #$%^&* every #$%^&*ing time she tries to #$%^&*ing do it?

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Don't know straw man but he must be a Made Prog.


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Red Square wrote:What? WHAT???? Someone put a gun to Pinkie's head and took her $40 away? How did THAT happen?
Dear Commissarka! In that picture, the hand with the gun belongs not to you but to someone else, whose identity has not been captured by our mind-reading security camera. The reason why you thought it was your own hand and gun is probably due to your exemplary proggish inclination to grab everything within your reach and claim it rightfully yours.

Or, perhaps, the unidentified thug simply hypnotized you into thinking that you had pointed the gun to your own head and robbed yourself of your own $40.

And that is exactly what the Republicans would want you to believe - that getting free stuff and services from the taxpayer-funded government is the same as robbing yourself of your own money, while subsidizing lavish lifestyles of the ringleaders who organize the self-theft (community organizers).

Therefore, the thug must have been a Republican. Otherwise why would we call them ReTHUGlicans?

And by "we" I mean the overwhelming majority working, middle class, American families. In other words, the 99%.

So let me rephrase the above: All thugs are Republicans and all Republicans are thugs because 99% of working families call them ReTHUGlicans.


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I'm going to take this windfall and invest it in the only business that's got a future. You know that little girl that took to school a perfectly good and nutritious lunch packed with love and care by her mother? And then it was confiscated and replaced with government nuggets? Nothing you can do about it. It's Obama law. This is the wave of the future. That little girl and her lunch is America, baby. ObamaCare, ObamaCars, ObamaEnergy, ObamaLunch, ObamaInvestments, ObamaEconomy... everything Obama's done is to confiscate what's prepared with care and love by the equivalent of mom in the homes of free private society and then his servers, like Kathleen Sebelius, shove a plate of government nuggets in your face and tell you government nuggets is just what the doctor ordered.

So I'm taking my forty bucks a month and using it to create a tiny little front corporation on letterhead and using that front to get subsidized with billions in federal ObamaInvestment bucks to manufacture government nuggets.

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This is a bit off topic, but the Working Family Party logo got me thinkin'. The thing is, Working Family Party is the New York branch of ACORN. So I have a modest proposal to improve it. WIN THE FUTURE!


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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Tovarichi, over here. Stand right here and look at that picture of Obama. Now heads up, Whacking Boy!

So I'm right about that beet of the week stuff? That's going to be a hell of a protest. When the reichwing teabagger rethugglikans do take your $40 by retianing those tax cuts from Bush and then furthermore deny you your free condoms that you are entitled to (just out of spite and because Bush told them to), let us know where and when?

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Red Square wrote:
Red Square wrote:What? WHAT???? Someone put a gun to Pinkie's head and took her $40 away? How did THAT happen?
Dear Commissarka! In that picture, the hand with the gun belongs not to you but to someone else, whose identity has not been captured by our mind-reading security camera. The reason why you thought it was your own hand and gun is probably due to your exemplary proggish inclination to grab everything within your reach and claim it rightfully yours.

Or, perhaps, the unidentified thug simply hypnotized you into thinking that you had pointed the gun to your own head and robbed yourself of your own $40.

Thank you for clearing that up. Alas, it's too late for poor Tovarichi, who had to take a shovel-whack on your behalf, but since he seems to have a little thing for me, we can assume at this point that he remains prostrate with gratitude that I even deigned to notice him.

Still! The very notion that you would even think that I would even think I would grab a gun simply because I'm entitled to grab everything I can put my hands on, is enough to make me want to whack the next prole who unwittingly staggers within range of my shovel. That and your utterly preposterous suggestion that I could ever be hypnotized by anyone into doing anything!

As if I have no mind of my own. No will of my own. As if I can be distracted, coaxed, or even bribed with any bright shiny object you happen to dangle under my nose.

As if you think you can simply utter some secret code phrase or dog whistle, like "free stuff", and just like that, my eyes will glaze over and I'll drop whatever I'm doing and go toddling off to the nearest government office like a zombie with my mouth wide open and my tongue hanging out and my hands outstretched, ready to grab that free stuff, and woe betide anyone who tries to take it away from me!

Have you any idea what it means when you think that way about me?

Crap. It means you know me too well.

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Tovarichi wrote:
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Tovarichi, over here. Stand right here and look at that picture of Obama. Now heads up, Whacking Boy!

So I'm right about that beet of the week stuff? That's going to be a hell of a protest. When the reichwing teabagger rethugglikans do take your $40 by retianing those tax cuts from Bush and then furthermore deny you your free condoms that you are entitled to (just out of spite and because Bush told them to), let us know where and when?

Oh, well! Look who regained consciousness during my last rant! Take this, Tovarichi:


That's for Red Square insulting my Progressive honor and sensibilities by suggesting I would ever touch a gun, because even if they don't always kill you, they can still hurt you.

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Silly Pinkie, much like a shovel, guns don't hurt people unless they are used as a club. (bullets are a different story.) It's like taxes--they don't hurt the ones who are wise enough to use them properly and take them away from Kappitalist teabagger bedwetters.

but on the subject of deadly weapons..

this photo was taken by our operatives in none other than your private armory.

Image have you anything you wish to confess to the People™ before those suffering from shovel inequality storm your property?

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Looks like we've discovered a hoarder! That's just another word for a kulak! We can't tolerate individual hoarders in our midst - only the collective ones!

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What does $40 mean to me? Hmmmmmm.
I say nuthin', I say nuthin' honey, if it ain't free!
–Janis Joplin

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CP... you are indeed The Cube's lyric muse !

Now if only we had something catchy to sing along with the Soviet National Anthem ...

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Well, an unverified comment I received the other day told me that Dear Leader would only respond, salute and all, including the Flag Pin, to this possible change to the USSA anthem!

"I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing in perfect harmony," Only then, will Obama consider saluting the Anthem of the United States of America.

I'm not sure it's true but, rumor has it! That's what counts!