
Please Report Doubts About Obama's Success

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President Obama's job approval numbers are dropping as voters began to question the President's effectiveness. Please report these doubting Thomases.

obama rising seas.jpg
Of course the N.Y. Times would never report such honesty about our beloved President. The above image lacks consistency with Times reporting.

This would be more like it:

obama rising seas 2.jpg

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Comrade ROCK, Hysterical, I love it (OK, I admit to insanity). This really exposes those Republicans where it hurts.

I'm still laughing.

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This just in: as a followup to the ridiculously conservative right wing congress's banning of all forms of sex, the Tea Party is attempting in all 57 states to get measures on the ballot which will, in effect, criminalize "fun".

Be careful about making fun of Hussein's 59 states. They are states within states. Each state has a name we already recognise and for good reason. For example, Big Bendistan, Buchenwald and Auschwitz where white business executives will be held in Potemkin Zoo like settings complete with fake business meetings to make the primatives happily ignorant.

By withholding financial credit, South Africa was transformed. So will America be transformed by China and her allies such as economic powerhouse Brazil. JBS, a Brazialian company, is the largest meat producer in the US. When the Rethuglicans move to balance the budget, China will withhold credit and the communist controlled media will stir the populace to make leadership capitulate to its demands to ban gun ownership, silence right wing radio's demands that the nation balance its budget, grant animal liberation so as to impose Ukrainian-style starvation. The USA leadership will gladly, in the best example described by Sun Tzu, willingly hand over Taiwan to China, the Falklands to Argentina, South Korea to North Korea, the Southwest to Mexico and the Southeast to a new free state for blacks as envisioned by Hussein's mentors. There after peace and harmony will prevail the same as in Zimbabwe and South Africa and China.

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Hmph! these misguided comrades won't be able to criticize Dear Leader (PBUH) 's dedication to creating jobs....I'm sure the state owned ammunition factories will need to hire someone sometime between the show trials and the purges.

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We must korrect and replace Time Magazine's weak liberalism with strong communism. These thought criminals must be purged!,29307,1882089_1850973,00.html