
The Load We've Shoveled

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To quote Tom Hanks: "Not since the days of Franklin Roosevelt had so much fallen on the shoulders of one president. Now when he faced his country who looked to him for answers,
he would not dwell in blame or dream in idealism".

Comrades, this 17 minute movie deserves to be - and hopefully will be soon - showing before every regular movie in every movie theater in the world, from now until election day.

Our Dear Leader has taken the weight of the world - including the horrible mess left by Bush- upon his masculine shoulders and He and his beautiful wife and their beautifully wholesome daughters will soon right ALL the wrongs which have been done to our once Glorious country!

Yes, comrades - on November 1, 2012, Next Tuesday WILL be just around the corner!!!

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Comrade ROCK, I see where vandals are defacing your People's Agitprop.

fbi warning.jpg

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A slight correction, it is whomever not whatever tweaks the chairman's fancy.

You leave the chairman's fancy out of the conversation before it devolves into homo-erotocism.Permissible now in the armed forces this is a blow to military preparedness.
Last edited by General Confusion on 3/17/2012, 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: none!

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General Confusion wrote:Comrades,

A slight correction, it is whomever not whatever tweaks the chairman's fancy.

You leave the chairman's fancy out of the conversation before it devolves into homo-erotocism.Permissible now in the armed forces this is a blow to military preparedness.

pun master.png

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Will Barry run it on his own cable/sattellite network channel like he had during the first election?

PUT IT ON PAY PER VIEW AND TAX THE CURIOUS PRIVELEGED RICH TO VIEW THE PEOPLE'S CURRENT TRUTH! It will pay for itself, except that the Party has graciously donated the funding for this epic.

Perhaps the ill-gotten gains we take from the rich will fund Frequent Flyer Benefits for FLATUS and new grips for Dear Leader's Golf Clubs. (He seems too have worn his old ones.)

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speaking lessons.jpg

Don't call John Wayne Gacy a serial killer.

Say John Wayne Gacy was "acting like" a serial killer.

I think I am getting the hang of it.

Obama is "acting like" a socialist/communist.

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Barack Hussein is not the President, he's... wait, that didn't work.

Yes, Comrades, Rod Blago was only "acting" like a crooked politician. We cannot hold that against him. (On the other hand, Herman Cain IS a womanizer and must be punished)

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R.O.C.K.! Oy veh! SUCH a LOAD! To shovel in such a way should not be!

TOVARICHI: <On the other hand, Herman Cain IS a womanizer and must be punished>

Ha! You should know Tovi! (Sorry Tovi, just had to say that. Inside joke, and all. Eh, eh.) X!
I do get your drift, though.

Closing more than 100 electric plants in the 59 United States of New Zimbabwe is not enough!
What the EPA needs is some strong Communism!

Social justice resulted in more than 100 million deaths.
That is why America needs more social justice!