
Dear Leader Set to Autograph Sky!

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Comrades! In an amazing display of His control of the universe, Dear Leader will autograph the sky this afternoon as He produces an annular eclipse!

The autograph will be visible as a HUUUUUUGE "O", as the moon passes in front of the sun, and it will be visible in most of the United states, at least partially. The best viewing is in the southern states, which, as we know, have the highest percentages of bitter clingers to their guns and god. Do you think that THAT is a coincidence? Hmmm?

Be careful not to look directly at the sun during this 2012 Campaign Event, because Dear Leader's glory is such that, in this case, you could be blinded. But apparently this kind of eclipse causes strange, circular shadows when the light passes through leaves on trees, or criss-crossed fingers - Dear Leader is leaving NOTHING to the imagination on this one! It will be dramatically clear as never before that He is, indeed, the One!!

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Comrade R.O.C.K.,

Here in Tennesseistan we are being punished for our lack of support of Dear Leader during his last election as the warm glowing warming glow of Dear Leader's sun and his own personal glow will be turned off during this event. That should teach us not to deny The One our total and absolute devotion. This could be seen as a benefit for looking into Dear Leader's personal glow has also been known to cause blindness or at least incredible stupidity.

In other news, the 'O' is being moved from the 15th letter in the alphabet to first where it should be.

Comrade Yuri, were you aware that the Greeks committed heresy when they constructed their alphabet such that Omega was the last letter of their alphabet? And then, the God of the Bible compounded this problem when He referred to Himself as "the Alpha and the Omega", indicating He was the First and the Last, completely displacing Ear Leader in the scheme of things. It is no wonder Teh Won wishes to punish Christians and Jews for clinging to this Pretender to Obama's omnipotence and omniscience.

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This is indeed an epic event!! One of the few deer leader will produce and direct by himself so the entire world to vote for him.

Total brillance!!!!!!

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While prOfOundly pOndering Over this mOrning's Obama-O's breakfast ratiOn.


I realized that since the PeOples Scientists have discOvered an "O" that sucks in everything in the center Of each galaxy - Dear Leader is truly the Center of Our Universe.


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Let's hope that this high schooler saw the eclipse and was properly humbled! Obviously, some of these students didn't have a decent government upbringing!

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And so it happened.

May 20, 2012: In an amazing display of His control of the universe, Obama autographs the sky in a 2012 Election Campaign Event also known as “solar eclipse” proving that He is, indeed, The One.


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Comrade Loaf, I too was ambushed (no pun intended, of course) by Bush clouds. Won't that man ever stop and just admit that he lost the election? In fact, ALL of his elections? Of course, we know that he stole the presidency, but that's a story for another day...