
El Presidente's BIG... stick

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Vice Leader Biden once again stated what the most progressive among us already know."I promise you, the president has a big stick. I promise you,"
No promises needed here, sir. We know such to be true.


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Is this a reference to his huge pen, [which] is filled with multiplied gallons of red ink?

No economy has ever gained more freedom through increasing tax rates.

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By declaring that President Obama "has a big stick," Vice President Joe Biden shows why.

Here's the video of Vice President Joe Biden touting Obama's big stick:

Assuming other Comrades will conceive other contexts in which Obama may wield his big stick, I'm posting a green-screen version here (download; select pure green; expand the selection by one pixel; invert and crop to create transparency in most software programs). I've also sent a psd version to Red Square so that he can post an easier-to-use "FLAT" version.


Last edited by KOOK on 4/27/2012, 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: add embedded video

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I believe Joe was referring to the yiddish term "schtick". This is near and dear to Uncle Joe's heart. After all, who knows how to perform a "schtick" better than our dear vice leader? (Henny Youngman would be step aside!)

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Vice President Joe Biden tells President Barack Obama to emulate Teddy Roosevelt by shouting loudly and show his big stick to deter Man-Disaster-Causerists or Human Disaster-Causerists:


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Joe Biden remembers that Barack Obama's Big Stick grew from an ACORN;



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Presidet Obama shows Iran's President Ahmadinejad that just like Teddy Roosevelt, he knows how to wield the Big Stick:


It's also known as "Balk Softly and Parry a Big Schtick."


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Probably Biden is comparing Obama's stick with his own toothpick. Then yes, it looks giant.