
CAPTION: Discussing Policy with Redistribution Czar

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"If you've got some booty, you didn't plunder that. Someone else made that happen. Someone else built the ship and lowered the sea levels so you could get to work."

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I hear a dog whistle in the distance... I am sure there is racist code somewhere to be found in this picture. I will be calling Mother Jones and NBC to see if they can alter highlight the racist images in it to make them more visible.

Someone get me Jimmy Carter's grandson on the phone!

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Opiate of the People wrote:I will be calling Mother Jones...
Are you sure you didn't want to say Mother Goose? With this picture it would be appropriate.

In fact, Mother Goose reporters and the editorial board must be also operating with cow bells and dog whistles... E.g., "House that Jack Built" is a racist attack on Obama because there is no way Jack built it without the government assistance.

Or look at this damning exposure of our glorious progressive takeover of Amerikkka!

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

What's with the wistful negativism? Shouldn't one be only happy about one of our agents successfully redistributing the horseshoe nail, which led to Obama's victory?

I forget now what "nail" represents in the Party-approved glossary of dog whistles.


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How is the One-Size-Fits-All Obamacare prosthetic working out for you?

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Obama: "My parrot's name is Chris Matthews".

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"You're doing it all wrong, Captain.... You never ask congress the people the crew what they think, you do it by Captain's Order. If you want I can lend you a witch sorceress gal to slam your cabin door in the face of anyone who questions what you are doing in there, and tell that pesky first mate he'll just have to implement your Order to find out what the Order is...."

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Red, "Nail" is the racist/sexist code word for being in the same room with Ms Fluke.

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Really, what is your definition of the term "matey" ?