
Red Alert! Former Comrade Has Left the Reservation

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[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]There are always threats to our way of life, but we must prioritize the threats and deal with the most dangerous first.[/highlight]
[/highlight][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]It appears that a former comrade, Pat Caddell, has left the reservation and must be dealt with.[/highlight]
[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Fortunately, we have numerous ways to deal with him and his incorrect messages.[/highlight]
[highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]As a first resort, I would hope that my fellow correct thinking people here could help reeducate him, to safely bring him back into the fold. [/highlight]If not, we can always invoke Saul Alinsky's rule #12 and then send the offender to the gulags.
[/highlight][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]I am confident that my fellow correct thinkers here can help deny the musings of this man who has lost his way.[/highlight]
[/highlight][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Ever hopeful and ever changingly yours,[/highlight]
[/highlight][highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]Kommissar Schweinhund[/highlight] ... r_embedded

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He's got it right. The establishment GOP is part of it, too. That's why they hate the Tea Party as much as the enemy media (ENEMA for short) and the Democrooks - if the Tea Party ever acquries a critical mass of power, it will derail everybody's gravy train.

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Opiate of the People wrote:Image
He's got it right. The establishment GOP is part of it, too. That's why they hate the Tea Party as much as the enemy media (ENEMA for short) and the Democrooks - if the Tea Party ever acquries a critical mass of power, it will derail everybody's gravy train.
I've often likened the TEA Party to the Rohirrim at the Battle of Pelennor Fields in that awesome scene in Return of the King. Theoden is there to rescue the ancient and proper form of government over Gondor, he has to sweep aside the orcs of liberalism, and then he faces the giant oliphants of the establishment Republicans. The good news is that he wins. Count me in among the critical masses.