
The Next Dear 0’Leader Debate is Already Won

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Comrades, let us further expound on the plan so brilliantly hinted at by our dear Commodore Snoogie Woogums.

There is good news: Romney (who is not the least likable; we hate all successful accomplished generous religious (Islam excepted!) well-adjusted family-oriented KKKapitalist honkies) agrees with us regarding class warfare and raising taxes.

We have taught him that AmeriKKKa is like any other society: No one has a chance to break free of whatever class we determine they belong to. We speak with Marx of lower, middle, and upper classes, but like Marx, we know there are only two real classes: The rulers, the Elite, the Masterminds – US – and everyone else. Next, we will teach that miserable little suck-up to know what Dear 0'Leader knows: AmeriKKKa is Evil, and has become rich on the backs of the rest of the world, and all the dead white founders' talk of freedom and liberty was a sham, because they Didn't Build That™, and AmeriKKKa Never Worked™.

Similarly, we have taught Romney to be afraid of talking about cutting taxes across the board, and have made him afraid of our accusations that he is only supportive of the filthy rich – whatever we determine filthy rich to be. Today, it's any individual who earns (hideous word – all wealth is ours) over $200,000 or $250,000 for joint filers; tomorrow – well, who knows? In the rest of the world, a wage of $20,000 might be considered unattainable by the vast unwashed. Surely that is not too high a figure for us to adopt!
With two central tenets held by Tearrorists already abandoned by the Repubican't candidate, Romney has proven that we can twist his linguini spine into whatever FORWARD!™ shape we want it to conform to on any given day. He will cooperate with us, and our genius is evident in that he is not even aware of our influence on his so-called “thought process” - an activity we deny even exists. We know what is to be believed; every idea that is not ours is to be derided, dismissed, and destroyed. No thoughts, no ideas, are to be tolerated. Only our teachings are sacrosanct. And we do not have thoughts or ideas. We have beliefs and emotions, because they are Pure and they are True!

We have already forced Romney to apologize for his forty-seven percent statement. Even though he made it at a private fundraiser in a private statement! Yes Comrades, our ears and eyes are EVERYWHERE. He is so stupid he hasn't yet figured out that we will twist his words into anything we want them to be. We make lies the truth, we hate him, and he can never say anything to appease us. In fact, we will attack him for trying to appease us, because even when he does what we want him to do, he is a liar and he is wrong and evil.

Everyone knows that Romney was talking about the forty-seven percent who wouldn't vote for him because they want to suck the teat of government. Romney actually believes it would be good if everyone was gainfully employed and independent of our central control! Really, can you imagine a more evil desire? The media has lied taught the sheeple glorious Proletariat to twist know that he meant “Romney won't be president of you, the forty-seven percent”, while conveniently forgetting that they went along with 0bama's war on the one percent - and here's the brilliant part that makes me smile – even though Dear 0'Leader is part of the one percent. In fact, we, the Elite, must be less than one percent. Oh, we'll tell our worthless sheeple supporters that we're up for the fight and down for the struggle with them, but we know they haven't got a prayer – even as they pray to us, their gods.

Comrades, we will see in the next few days that Romney will apologize for saying PBS should be defunded (children without Big Bird and Elmo? As if a rich reich-winger would buy them, thinking he would make a profit by keeping them entertaining the unaborted) and that life and liberty are inalienable rights granted by “our Creator” (as if there were some One above US), not government, which everyone knows is false. The 0ne giveth, and The 0ne taketh away. Just ask “The Innocence of Muslims” purported filmmaker.

Forty More عامs!

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Here is how to win the "debate." Every time Romney begins to speak Dear Leader Obama should loudly blather,"Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala..." until Romney's lips stop moving, so nobody can hear what Romney is saying.

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Comrade Ded, don't forget that Dear 0'Leader is also being coached to put his fingers in his ears and screw his eyes shut to indicate to all the sheeple People™ how they are to behave whenever that lying running honky dog KKKapitalist pig Romney speaks.

Why should Obama bother to reply to Romney? Romney would reply to Obama, and Obama would have to reply to his reply. There's no end to that. It will be quite enough for Obama to announce that Romney is a traitor to the working class, and everyone will understand everything.

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Comrade Enemy, so true. Why bother to respond to trifles when you are PATUS? It's all so beneath Him, I can hear His "Pshaw" of disdain.

Remember though that we have a role to play to ensure His disdain continues to rule and reign for Four More Terms. Be sure all your cats, dogs, and other animals domestic and non, and all the illegal aliens unregistered Democrats, as well as all your dead, Rock the Vote next month. You can be sure Comrade Ded has signed up all his necrofriends and fiends.

Remember, Dear 0'Leader requires at least ten votes from each of His followers to move Him FORWARD!™ So vote early, and vote often.

And if you even detect a whif of a Romney supporter - well, we know what to do with them, don't we, Comrade Enemy? Your handle says you know all you need to about THEM.