
Ms. Dowd wants Dear Leader to be more like President Bartlet

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Ah, yes... Maureen "dowdy" Dowd giving advice gain. Does anyone listen to what this aging, bitter harpie says anymore? What a shame for her that with all the eligible prog men out there, she can't get hooked up. Maybe her next fantasy wish could be having babies with Bill Klinton as they live happily ever after in the magic kingdom of Next Tuesday™.

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Comrade Putout:
Too bad Dear Leader wasn't around when they filmed Apocalypse Now. Brando's character was such a bungling, featherweight, when it came to the destruction of amoral, primitive cultures compared with The One. Today's Republican; now that is an adversary and pestilence upon humanity worthy of Dear Leader's attention and extermination efforts. Just think of how the heads would roll if us Progs can just somehow manage to give Obama another 4. Easy to see how that 4 would easily turn into a virtual perpetuity for the Obamasavior and his appointed ones, especially once they get our borders properly open, our mores squared away and things redistributed in a fair and balanced way between the makers and the takers. Yes, a nice analogy indeed comrade.

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I'd put him more like President Skroob ...

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Anyer Marx wrote:I'd put him more like President Skroob ...

"Joe! Joe! You got to help me! I don't know what to do! I can't make decisions! I'm a president!" –Great Leader

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I understand that MoDo has had so much Botox over the years that her pupils no longer dilate.....

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OMG! I absolutely love your new avatar! I never saw you as an incarnation of Blabbymouth Schultz, regardless of the photoshop Vogue thing. This, I believe suits you more, if you don't mind my saying. The beauty of you appears now, my sweet! Yes! Gorgeous!


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You are most welcome my darling girl!P.S.: Did you notice how R.O.C.K. in the USAA loved it as well?Outstanding work!

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA has loved all of the aspects of Dear Comrade Putout - how could one not?

The epitome of Democrat femininity!

How, exactly, does one say "Hubba hubba" in Russian?

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Pamalinsky wrote:Comrade R.O.C.K. Perfect!
Comrade Pamalinski, I merely borrowed the photo from Tovarichi, who I believe snapped it in person, clandestinely.

Nevertheless, it now has a special place, both in my heart and in my sock drawer.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Nevertheless, it now has a special place, both in my heart and in my sock drawer.

What a fantastic idea !
I'm thinking about putting that picture of MoDo in my sock drawer as well.

It should do a good job in frightening off the rats .......

BTW: Does anyone know if she received her free ObamaPhone ?

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Krasnodar wrote:BTW: Does anyone know if she received her free ObamaPhone ?

I believe she was offered one, but returned it when the only phone calls she was receiving were pranks from her mean CONservative brother who would mock the fact that she has no boyfriends.

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Hey Comrade Putout, I forgot to mention, just love the über cool Obamatat on your arm. Best tat EVER. Nice touch.

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I love yours as well Pammy... so does Uncle Joe apparently!


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Gosh, Comrades!

A little "aside" here. (Especially to R.O.C.K.'s sock drawer.)

I remember "back in the day" when my boyfriend, being "in the mood" would ask, with all earnestness, "Where's that sock?"

This is pre-Sandra Fluke mind you. So what he was referring to was the "sock" he last threw up against the wall to see if it would stick. A euphemism for any previous girlfriends. i know it sounds gross but this was the signature sign cheap birth control could work.

It did. Later, babes eschewed dorks like this, so this way of birth control actually worked!

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Wow, Putout!

You sure know how to bring back memories while making me me look so hot!

Um, also "back in the day" I thought of doing an album of my songs and covers. I wanted to call it "My Wild Irish Heart"

The tat would be repositioned above my heart and would include the image of a rose.

Yeah. Corny, I know. Nonetheless that's the truth!

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Wait, Pam-ski DOESN"T look like that??? This is the INTERNET! It has to be true or it wouldn't be on Algore's internets.

So there.