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It is with great pride that I show you a few highlights of the upcoming Million Muppet March! We will be joining our fellow sock puppets valiant community warriors in solidarity to denounce the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's ridiculous plan to actually stop borrowing money at a high interest rates from China to give to PBS for such shows as Sesame Street.

You of course all know the plight of Sesame Street which struggles along by making only a few hundred million dollars a year. I cannot tell you the importance of this, comrades, as it would truly be a disaster if we have to fund such a great child indoctrination tool like Sesame Street on our own!!

eat-the-rich-65373808699 copy.jpg
ghlhgl copy.jpg

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"And by the way, in the spirit of Sesame Street the President's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter O and the number 16 trillion.” Mitt Romney, 10-19-2012

Image More Free Stuff! (I hope Komradette Ketchup is coming out of retirement!)


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The University of Central Florida's Student Government Association, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning/Queer Services, and the Multicultural Student Center are please to present distinguished author Kate Bornstein, who will be taking part in the Multicultural Student Center's monthly Book Club meeting and will be delivering a speech afterwards.

Kate Bornstein has authored multiple award-winning books in the field of Women and Gender Studies, including Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us and My Gender Workbook.

The event will be held on Monday, October 22nd, 2012, at 7:30pm at the University of Central Florida's main campus, in the Pegasus Ballroom located in the Student Union. This event is free of charge. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend. For more information contact Latasha White at [email protected] or David Moran at (407) 823-1027.

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I believe we might have seen this movie before.

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And of course, even the Occu-Muppets have their critics...


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"Heebve gruuskin LOBSTER debooolin en der pot gehandski blumde FLATUS....*"

*translation: Without federal funding to Public Broadcasting Service, FLATUS will not receive the daily apportionment of the national catch of lobster to which she is entitled. Please vote wisely and support Public Radio and the Children's™ Television Workshop."

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Comrade Tovarichi!!

Yes, we all know what's going to happen once FLOTUS can't get her lobster anymore.....

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Sad to think that a scene like this could be considered plausible.
Then again, she always was a class act ! ( Better put a lock on the silverware drawer.)

BTW: What's up with the token Asian lady back there ?
I thought " The First Family " had better standards then to forgo their principals and be racially inclusive.

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She's a hooker for the Secret Service.

You know, a 50+ foot Moochele built to scale could provide enough shelter under the spreading ass to house the homeless AND provide space for an abortion clinic and prophylactic stand!

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True 'nuf !

But if they did build the statue of Moochelle, the structure would need to be substantially reinforced so as to bear the weight of that enormous chip on her shoulder.

Is good thinc I was in hospital theess year instead of next. Dr. Bobb, (I mean Rowf), would have used a hack saw and cold chisel on my blood clot. And that awful muzak in the O R...sound somethinc like theess.


Why is it that he can't ever get ladies?
Why are his laideze so rare?
He won't pay attention when we try to tell him,
You can't screw 'em with what ain't there.
And he keeps on whining that we're full of bullshit,
But give us a chance and you'll see,
Cause we're trying to find it, the Liberal's erection,
And pluck crabs with tweezers for free.