
Happy Halloweers Dear Comrades

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Today is the joyous day of Halloween when all loyal comrades come together in come togetherness to celebrate our entitlements to free candy, free food, free drink and free Obama phones.

If you have not received your invitation to the Gulag Ball and Fright Fest, you must be undeserving or have fallen off my personal Memo and Email Update Mailing List. In which case, bring your credit card for a free invitation!

Our celebratory will begin at 5pm center Left gulag time. Dress in your appropriate gala and festive dress for freight night and we will all try to guess who is who and what goes where! Whoever rightly guesses who I, the Frau, am dressed to be, will win the honor of purchasing my adult beverages for the evening or week... whatever.

Come and enjoy, The Gulag Ball and Fright Fest 2012!

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I'm going to dress up like George Bushitler, since he is a true American horror story. I'm guessing you're dressing up as Ann Coulter with a burqua.

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You are doing well with the guess! I am looking forward to your attendance and a night of gayety. . . . fun and drinking!

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Breaking News: Biden promises to give "whole load" today.
whole load.jpg
Hey Peoples Comrade,What exact load amount was he giving us before? Wow, percentage-wise, I'm so excited now. Same load-o-shit, different day. ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. snort!

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Comrade Pam,

I think what 'ol Joe means by "full lode" is in comparison to "JOBS" being a 3-letter word. If you can figure out one, then you can figure out the other.

It would have made more sense if he would've said, "full lode short", but the man is a nuance "god" whose depth is waaaaaay beyond our mortal comprehension.