
Who Won the "First Lady Debate"?

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Of course, there was no such such thing as a debate between Michelle Obama and Ann Romney. And yet Jimmy Kimmel had reporter on the street asking people about their thoughts on who won the debate.

All of the respondents shamelessly lied about seeing it. But what's really remarkable is that most of those shameless liars believed that Michelle Obama had won the debate and praised her for being more factual and convincing than her Republican opponent.

Remember, these are people who vote. And you know what that means - there's still hope for the Democrats!


Being a prog means never having to say you're an ignorant lying idiot.

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Red Square wrote:Being a prog means never having to say you're an ignorant lying idiot.

Indeed. It's so obvious all they need to do is simply talk.

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When I watched the First Lady Debate what surprised me the most was how much Ann Romney was IN FAVOR OF the Rethugglikkkan War on Women!

It didn't take long for Michele to put her in her place, I can tell you that.

For the first time in my life, I was proud to watch a First Lady Dabate!!

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Red Square wrote:Being a prog means never having to say you're an ignorant lying idiot.

The debate is over. We've always told konservatives that we are omniscient, and now we have absolute, indisputable proof: we even know about things that never even happened.

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Had there actually been a debate, Mrs. Romney would have won just by showing up.


Komrades, let us be careful not to be too obvious in flaunting this country's quaint notion that rhetoric corresponds to signifiers, or that The Party, in its enlightened guiding role, is somehow subject to pedestrian "fact-checking" constraints.

Truth is culturally constructed for these people, and the more invisibly and seamlessly we can assist them in transitioning to Correct Truth, the more radically successful our Revolution.

Why should it ever be mentioned that there "was" "actually" no First Lady Debate? What, indeed, does "was" really mean? If a person can be induced in an interview (in a televised medium, no less!) to "create" new realities and events which conform to our March of Progress, why ever burst the useful bubble? Let us continue, ever generating more useful content, ever proving that the "medium is the message" (or whatever "latest truth" mantra their academics are clinging to most recently for fresh relevance and survival in their own little Darwinian cycle of publishing and funding).

It is a heavy load we Leaders in the Revolution have to bear, not to be able to joyfully and deservedly dance on an enemy's "grave" in a great hour of victory, but it's to this we're called, selfless soldiers, serving and bearing with our intellectual lessers for their own sakes, trying our best not to unnecessarily trouble them concerning superstitious notions such as "Truth" that they have not yet unlearned.

Our job of Consciousness Raising must focus on The Enemy's Deceits, not on our own victories and processes, clever and historic as they may be. The less the unenlightened realize about our latest victory, the stronger our ongoing strategic position for the next glorious step of destiny -- May it be on our watch!

(With apologies to Uncle Screwtape)

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"We accept reality as it's presented to us. It's just that simple" --The Truman Show

Enough hocus pocus for now. Got to get back to my doctoral thesis on the effects of the First Lady Debate on the 2012 presidential election.

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Dear Cube of Influence - welcome to the glorious collective, where you will, no doubt, remain the most equal and influential.

Let me present you with our token of appreciation for a superbly equal comment.


Red Square wrote:Dear Cube of Influence - welcome to the glorious collective

Dear Red Square,

Thousand thanks for your kind post, and for all the work behind such a creatively mischievous site.

This Collective somehow manages to synthesize earnest rational thought, playful humor, stunning graphics, and interactive camaraderie into something unique and desperately needed -- not least by me, stuck here in Boston.

Thank you all!

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Hey Red, don't stop too fast. You might break the new prole's nose. (In all seriousness, welcome, CoI.)

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Ahh yes, the Cube. A good strong color, deep but not pretentious. Dry, but not too biting, light, fruity, and a slight aroma of B.S. Image

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Red Square wrote:Being a prog means never having to say you're an ignorant lying idiot.

More Progisil >>> ... html#65552

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Based on something Dedhedvedev said -

Being a liberal means never having to say "WHAT WAS I THINKING?"