
REVERSE: Is France trying to back out of Next Tuesday?

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Mainstream baffled as French turn to far right


Terrible news from the homeland of Commandant Secretary of Elite Diplomacy Kerry!!! Our Oldest Ally™ has been subverted and infiltrated by the Golden Dawn from Greece and other Nazi hate groups! The revolution must move quickly to stamp out these racist belligerents! As the article illustrates, it is "shocking" that the French people don't really like "record unemployment, rising taxes and a perceived increase in crime and insecurity."

It is known that these are the code words of haters! True Believers™ in mystic altruism learn to love the labor bomb as well as equality in destitution. Someone bigot might kill a rapper in a street fight assassinate a rapperservant of the people, if that happens we will have cause to outlaw this group of vandals and chase them into hiding! Pray that it happens!

As a nation the U.S.S.A are just now on the threshold of late Monday evening!

What will good American progs think to see Mother France flying past us in full reverse?!

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It seems our camarades are retreating from the Progressive fight......

Do not worry Komrad INGSOC. Marine Le Pen is obviously one of us as she is subtly indicating in the picture. Notice how she is practicing the universally recognized French salute of surrender.

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INGSOC wrote: What will good American progs think to see Mother France flying past us in full reverse?!
I was wondering what that was! It did have a bit of a smell to it.

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Not to worry, comrades !

It is a well documented fact that if you move far enough to the right, you'll find yourself in the same place as one who moves far enough left. Ask George Orwell.

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Francophile Brother Comrades!
Return to the Glory Days of your Revolution
before it's too late!

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Comrades, it may be worse than we feared:


Dutch King Willem-Alexander declares
the end of the welfare state... ... 22421.html

It appears because the entire world has not implemented Great Leaders (pbuh) Obamacare™ yet a deadly Neo-Con mutated virus has been let loose in the previously All Ready for Next Tuesday™ Euoropa. The WHO is on it but as we all know they are no match for some Sebelius trained Obamacare™ Bureaucrats in Washington.

As you can see the Neo-Con Virus attempts to wreck havoc with the normal healthy "Government Handout Receptors" in the brain.


To top it off the Radical Rethug Obstructionists sequester and refusal to raise the debt limit has cut the necessary funding leaving many of our brave Obamacare™ Bureaucrats out in the streets fighting for their lives - living on dog food and scraps from Mooch's collective garden rather than searching for a cure.

Comrades - We cannot let Europa fall!! Send in your $3 stipend today & the Obamacare Bureaucrat you return to work may be the one that finds the cure!


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Well, France does have 4 gears in reverse and only 1 in forward.

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Injustice!!!!!!! Why does Dear Leader not have most equal chair and flower arrangement??!!!


In addition I distinctly remember that this Reich wing maniac, Geert Wilders, was on his way to prison for hate related Thoughtcrimes ten years ago. At the end of the article it states that his party is at the top of public opinion polls!

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Oh..It is DONE!
(POTUSSA even stole his suit!)