
Right-Wing Swill: 'Obama, the Most Dangerous of Morons'

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This is a must read!

Obama: The Most Dangerous of Morons

There have been bad presidents -- see Jimmy Carter. Yet has there ever been a president as staggeringly incompetent as Barack Obama? Really, can there be any other explanation for his performance as president than the man is, well...a moron?

READ MORE: ... orons.html


Vagabond of The Outer Parts and Minister of Spirits Distribution

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Well, I would certainly not call him dangerous. Unless, of course, you happen to be a citizen of the USSA ....

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Amerikkkan Thinker indeed! Imagine. An entire Website devoted to "thinking." Pitiful. Perhaps a few months in the mines, or a vacation to a remote arctic Gulag would rid them of that dangerous habit. Why The One tolerates them I will never understand. But then, my understanding is not required. And that, comrades, is why I love and adore our Dear Leader - the most superior of all equals - Lord Obama, The Understander-in-Chief.

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Comrades, calm down.

Until we know for sure whether Comrade Prezzy Mompants-On-Fire is lying about the lies he told concerning his lies about lying about his lies OR if he's, instead, lying about the lies that lied about the lies he was lying about when he originally lied, it's best that we just assume that He Is Our King and let it go. At least for now.