The bourgeoisie have the Roaming Gnome. We have Comrade Cube!

Post the pictures you've snapped from around the world of your Comrade Cube shmoozing at fun People's places or with exotic backdrops or with famous persons holding your red Cube here or in the Gallery now!

Don't have The Cube? Go to our Store and get it now! The revolution will be photogenic!

Lenin In Fremont - with the Cube

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Another contribution from Comrade Otis:

The Fremont neighborhood of Seattle is even more progressive then the rest of the city. There is even a Soviet-era statue of Lenin in downtown Fremont - one of the first Lenin statues in America, brought to the land of dark capitalism from Slovenia.

As the revolution grows we will see more Lenin statues - thousands of them - in every town, village, and collective farm - but that won't save area bourgeoisie from property expropriations.

They should've erected Lenin's statue ahead of time - like the glorious workers, peasants, and toiling intelligentsia of Fremont had done. Fremont shall be largely spared by purges - we can promise them that.

Lenin and the People's Cube. Very revolutionary.

I know where I'm taking a leak when I go to Fremont.

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I have heard rumors that the Lenin statues shoot laser beams from their eyes, and fire from the rear.

They say the story 'the Happy Prince' refers to this statue and the re-distribution of wealth that subsequently occured at this site.

The term 'Prince' however is somewhat offensive, no doubt added by cunning monarchists desperate to label the Leader as one of their own and take credit for this monumentous event

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Well, Seattle is a pretty Progressive place but they stll have a ways to go to catch up with their Glorious neighbor to the south, San Francisco. I still can't figure out why my forebearers settled there a century ago then turned tail and hauled ass back down south. Just makes no sense at all.

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Ha you said turned tail........

"Do you hate being a liberal? What's it like? Is it like being a bug?
I imagine bugs and liberals have a dim perception that nature played a cruel trick on them, but they lack the intelligence to comrehend the magnitude of it."