
Peloski: We need more rich Dem donors to fight corruption

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Nancy Peloski! What an honour it is to have someone so esteemed and with such integrity in the House of Representatives - and Leader of the Minority, no less!

Her latest campaign is aimed at convincing wealthy Democrat donors to donate vast sums of money to the cause of banning wealthy donors from donating vast sums of money to any cause.

POLITICO asked Pelosi about the irony of major donors meeting behind closed doors to discuss ways to rid the political process of secretive big money spending of the sort many Democracy Alliance members have engaged in.

“Well, I think that, for the moment, it will take money to win the election to get people there who believe in taking the money out,” she said, stopping to hug Democracy Alliance donor Wayne Jordan, a real estate developer from her hometown of San Francisco.

“People really know that this has to happen – that you just can't go down this path of secret, undisclosed dark money then attracting other kinds of money,” Pelosi said

She asserted that campaign finance reform, “has to happen. And, what else has to happen, is we have to get our people on the field to vote. And money is a suppressor of the vote. I have always said that. We suffocate the airwaves with just so much stuff that people just give up and then they don't vote"

So there you have it, comrades. Only Deer Leader could proselytize with a more brilliant logic! As Nanski says, we must spend more money in order to end the spending of money. I love this plan!

It reminds me of when we were told that in order to get out of debt, we would have to borrow more money. I loved that plan too!


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Indeed, this latest chapter in The Book of Party™ Economic Theory is consistent with all the rest. I am still plumbing the depths of Comrade Pelosi's dictum that taxing the employed and their employers to give money to the unemployed will grow the economy by causing spending and thus ... giving back the money to the employers and their employees. I am also still plumbing the depths of Comrade Hillary's dictum that these employers do not create the jobs that the employees have in the first place. (I would do even more plumbing, but the flush mechanism appears to be jammed.)

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RedDiaperette wrote:Indeed, this latest chapter in The Book of Party™ Economic Theory is consistent with all the rest. I am still plumbing the depths of Comrade Pelosi's dictum that taxing the employed and their employers to give money to the unemployed will grow the economy by causing spending and thus ... giving back the money to the employers and their employees. I am also still plumbing the depths of Comrade Hillary's dictum that these employers do not create the jobs that the employees have in the first place. (I would do even more plumbing, but the flush mechanism appears to be jammed.)

Indeed, comrade. It's been proven, beyond a doubt, that funneling a large percentage of GDP profits through the hands of a vast army of bureaucrats in The Holy Imperial City, DC, stimulates economic growth, exponentially.

Who can forget this statement by Nanski?

Dec 5 2013"Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way. It immediately injects demand into our markets and increases employment. For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, the economy grows by, according to one estimate, $1.52; by others, $2. So somewhere in that range, but much more than is spent on it," Pelosi said.

It makes perfect sense that, if we force people to 'donate' to The Party™ causes, there will be less available funding for Corruption™.

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Nasty Peloski, "So, we need to invest funds in our people and get them on the field to vote, and,... and money suppresses the vote cause I have always said that, but,...but it will take money to get our people on the field so the right people will be elected and end the flow of dark money coming down that secret path and suffocating our airways with so much stuff. I've always said that, too. Any fool understands this."