
Tweets About Her Face

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I'm all out of hope
One more dumb thing… could bring my fall

When I'm bored at home
Cant be reached on my phone
Sitting here alone

They're easy to conceive
It's easy to tweet
It gives me my release

(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
Got no human grace

I tweet about her face

I spend so much time
Reading all the lies
They keep me up at night

Now it makes me mad
It makes me mad at you
What should a POTUS do?

(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
Got no human grace

When I hear the media I get sick
In the Democrats pocket make'n up shit
I act bazaar and go to Mar-a-Lago oh, I'm not a fool
Hanging out wait for t time, turning twitter into direct line
Writin' it down

On Air Force One on a presidential trip
Writing angry tweets tryin' to stay hip
I'm tweetin' of you you're out there so
Say your prayers
Say your prayers
Say your prayers

Now I close my eyes
And I wonder why
They all despise

Now all I can do
Love what was once
Had a show to do

But it's gone from my life
Gave politics a try

(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
(So mad at Mika) Tweets about her face
Got no human grace
Tweets about her face

And now it's getting worse