
Putin aggressively avoids conflict

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Sad news comrades! Putin has called back his regiments to their garrisons, so we won't have any war soon. This means the proles will start paying attention to crime rates, inflation and the general collapse of the education systems everywhere in the Nato sphere of influence.

This might lead to more protests like the evil Canadian TruKKKer Nazi Misogynist Islamophobe insurrection that is going on as we speak. Such a blatant act of non-invasion is therefore clear evidence of Putin's aggression against the west, no doubt in evil collusion with Donald Trump. The uppity proles might start to vote for the wrong candidates in elections in the USA and in Europe, and before you know it we'll have right wing policies that will kill five billion people per hour (according to a CDC model). 

A group of thirty former generals, who just happen to work for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, have urged the Biden/Harris administration to react to Putin's aggressive non-invasion by using a lot of expensive military hardware. Sounds like good disinterested advice to me, comrades! As we speak, the Pentagon has assembled a crack team of its most woke transgender generals to draft a plan for a winter march on Moscow via Smolensk and Borodino. The Russkies will never expect that!


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Hey! It's a "minor" non-incursion. One for which we will issue a minor statement of our minor displeasure. For which Leader Psaki will issue a minor non-answer until she can minorly circle back.

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In the end of all this, it would make sense to analyze who, how, and why orchestrated this wag-the-dog charade, and who benefitted from it on both sides of this "escalation."

I'm sure the FBI, CIA, and NYT investigations will discover it was Trump and his January 6th cronies, at least those who have never went back to Russia through the underground transatlantic tunnel that connect the Trump tower to the Kremlin, because Biden had blocked the entrance for anyone without a mask and five booster shots. Thake that, you unmasked and unvaccinated Trumpist hooligans!

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But seriously, I wish I had more time to write about this, like I did back in 2014 when this conflict began and the fearsome, Nobel-Peace-Prize certified Obama/Biden administration allowed Putin to annex the Crimea and install a puppet Hamas-like regime in Luhansk/Donetsk.  

The situation is developing as in a slow-motion train wreck, so I can comment on some of the details that may mean nothing or may be be crucial - we'll know for sure once it stops moving and we examine the smoldering, motionless debris along the tracks.

At this point, not everything is what it seems. As of now, Putin has lost every hot armed conflict in which he engaged a prepared, determined army. But he's been successfully waging cowardly hybrid wars around the world, in which the winner is not clear unless you look at those who controls the narrative.

The Russian officials keep telling their Western counterparts that this horror show could be over as soon as Ukraine fulfills the Minsk agreements. Which may well be the whole point of this exercise. They want the West to force Ukraine to comply with an agreement made years ago, at a time of military distress when people were dying. The situation is different now, and complying with that agreement would be a suicidal to Ukraine because it would perpetuate a version of Hamas-run Palestinian Territory inside its borders. LEt's not forget that the original Palestinian Territory was also a brainchild of the KGB that for half a century now has been injecting poison into the blood stream of the entire planet, let alone Israel.

No wonder President Zelensky is not falling for the Russian bluff and tells Biden to keep his shirt on.

To be continued...

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Red Square wrote:
2/17/2022, 2:00 pm
But seriously, I wish I had more time to write about this, like I did back in 2014 when this conflict began and the fearsome, Nobel-Peace-Prize certified Obama/Biden administration allowed Putin to annex the Crimea and install a puppet Hamas-like regime in Luhansk/Donetsk.  

The situation is developing as in a slow-motion train wreck, so I can comment on some of the details that may mean nothing or may be be crucial - we'll know for sure once it stops moving and we examine the smoldering, motionless debris along the tracks.

I feel sorry for all the citizens of Ukraine who by know that they are pawns on a chessboard. Too bad for NATO that Germany is dependent on Russian gas because the Greens didn't want nuclear power, and that European armies have become a joke. No doubt Trump's fault of course.

The current EU Commission president, Ursula vd Leyen, destroyed the German army (during her disastrous tenure as defense minister) without firing a shot. Take that, Red Army!

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That was one hell of a false flag operation. They didn't even use any flags. This is the first time I've heard of a false flag operation that involved an aggressive retreat.

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.......But he's been successfully waging cowardly hybrid wars around the world, in which the winner is not clear unless you look at those who control the narrative...... True, but at some point in time even our own media stenographers and anonymous leakers in government will be forced to capture reality.... who in NATO would actively stand up and fight the Russians given that invoking article V for a nonmember of NATO is rather redundant, Ukraine has never been part of Europe, to begin with. Besides, what would be the benefit for the US to fight the Russians when it would hamper the efforts currently underway to complete the social equity trials within our military.

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Is there still time to come up with satellite photos marked WMDs?

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Margaret wrote:
2/20/2022, 4:55 pm
Is there still time to come up with satellite photos marked WMDs?
As you requested, comrade.


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Most Equally Esteemed Komrads,


Please stop. If memory serves, nerve agents and other chemical weapons are/were considered Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iraq had enormous stock piles of the stuff. As a participant in Operation Provide Comfort off and on for over 6 years, I can tell you that not only did the Hussein Regime possess nerve agents and other chemical agents, they used them. A lot. A carefully unreported fact is that Saddam Hussein killed more people with chemical weapons between the wars than the Germans, French, and British combined in WWI. My role was in C-130s. We were tasked with delivering supplies to the Kurds while the fighters and ground attack aircraft dealt with the SAM and AAA threats that Iraq deployed to thwart us. I witnessed many unguided (because someone destroyed the guidance radar while it was in flight) SA-2s whiz by uncomfortably close to our Herc. Occasionally we would land where we were to make a delivery and everyone was dead. Just laying there in the sun. We could only hope that enough time had elapsed between the chem attack and our arrival for the WMD to have dissipated. For a while we had to wear full chem gear for all our flights to resupply the Kurds.

I also feel compelled to mention that the US telegraphed our intention to invade Iraq for well over a year. We also made it clear what we would be looking for when we came calling. Driving the equipment over the boarder to Syria or maybe even to Iran was not out of the question.

Don't get me started on Salman Pac.

The slogan "There were no WMDs in Iraq" is demonstrably false and a propaganda tool of the Left. Please stop helping them by spreading their bilge.

Perhaps it is a curse to have witnessed so much of history only to see it distorted out of recognition. As Slim Pickens said, "I am depressed."


I denounce myself for my shameful display of unauthorized memories. I also confess to an excessive use of The People's pixels. Rail yard, shovel, warm coat, etc....

Lonely in the Current Truth,

Red Salmon


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Comrade Red Salmon, I'm sorry you didn't understand the point I was making. I was not making light of the situation. I was simply pointing out what the actual weapon of mass destruction is. Weapons are nothing until somebody decides to use them. Putin has already threaten to use tactical nukes to achieve his goals. It is the mind that is truly the weapon of mass destruction, if used to destroy others. That's why my arrow pointed to Putin's head.

I'm fully aware of the facts about the WMD in Iraq and that a lot of them were transported to Syria in an attempt to hide them. Assad subsequently used some of them on his own people in 2017.

However, one should always be skeptical of what the government tries to tell us. The problem is that they lie so much that when they actually do tell the truth, it's kind of difficult to believe them.

Thank you for your service.

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Most Equally Esteemed Kaptain Kangaroo Kourt,


I appreciate your point. I agree that Good Old Vlad is a serious threat.

At the risk of sounding overly Woke/Progish, I was "triggered" (I really dislike that expression) by Esteemed Komrad Margret's post. This is about me, not Komrad Margaret. Komrad Margaret produces wonderful posts. I am particularly fond of her sniper posts where she takes a short, quick shot and then watches the aftermath. A thing of beauty.

A sure way to get me to blow my cover as a "reasonable" person in this town is to start in on WMDs. I have a lot of traumas to choose from for my PTSD therapy sessions. Operation Provide Comfort is a great fall back when I don't want to talk about the worse ones. Actually I don't go to those appointments any more. I've been living with this so long I'm not sure who I'd be if I was "cured".

I know I'm passionate about things like this and I do try to keep the preaching to a minimum. Please forgive my enthusiasm.

God bless the Cube and all of the Cubists.


I would denounce myself but I don't know where to begin.

Hyper vigilant in the Current Truth,

Red Salmon


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Red Salmon wrote:
2/22/2022, 10:27 am

I would denounce myself but I don't know where to begin.

Hyper vigilant in the Current Truth,

Red Salmon

Who wants to denounce Fish-guy?

Line forms to the left... come on, Comrades-- do your part!

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:
2/22/2022, 12:07 pm
Who wants to denounce Fish-guy?
Line forms to the left... come on, Comrades-- do your part!

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Thanks, I needed that. The Cubists never disappoint.

Red Salmon

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Red Salmon wrote:
2/22/2022, 1:14 pm
Thanks, I needed that. The Cubists never disappoint.

Red Salmon
Comrade, we are all family here, which is why we all hate each other and are ready to denounce the next comrade who steps out of line. Quite frankly, denouncing yourself takes all the fun out of denouncements. It should be illegal but apparently there's some clause somewhere that permits self immolation.

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I take great comfort in the Party's™ and Premier Cho Bai-Din's upcoming response to operations in Ukraine.

The same military brain-trust that ran the glorious victory, return of our forces, allies, and all equipment, (not to mention the homecoming parades and celebrations) from Afghanistan just last year are still securely in place, and by-Lenin they're in charge. What could possibly go wrong?Image

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Most Equally Esteemed Kaptain Kangaroo Kourt,

Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
2/23/2022, 1:42 am

Comrade, we are all family here, which is why we all hate each other and are ready to denounce the next comrade who steps out of line.

I think feel that every group I've ever joined operated under the motto "We hate each other, but we hate you more."

Most Esteemed Komrad Stakhanovets,

I too expect to see the flawless execution of a successful military campaign in the Ukraine. I'm sure one side or the other will provide an example.

Red Salmon

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Red Salmon wrote:
2/23/2022, 3:25 pm

I think feel that every group I've ever joined operated under the motto "We hate each other, but we hate you more."

This is how empires are built, comrade.

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This didn't age well, comrades! It seems the intel agencies were right about something for once! Thoughts and prayers for the Ukranian people. Too bad Western Europe invested in tree-hugging courses instead of armies.

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Evidently Word Salad is a truthful food source once again in regards to Ukraine’s history.