
Biden's limo runs exclusively on Russian oil

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In a startling discovery it has been revealed by various sources that ever since Joe Biden has put his foot on the throat of the American energy industry, his presidential limo has been fueled exclusively by Russian oil. As the world faces the greatest threat it has seen since the Second World War, Joe Biden stubbornly refuses to open up the pipeline for domestic energy and continues to purchase oil in alarming quantities from Vladimir Putin.

The conflict in Ukraine has revealed Joe Biden's inability to deal with a crisis due to his own weaknesses and incompetence, exemplified by his staunch resistance to energy independence and his willingness to continue fueling the Russian war machine.

Until we stop using Russian oil, Americans who are squeezing that gas pump might as well be shaking Vladimir Putin's bloody hand. The most frustrating part of all of this is, like it or not, they have the President of the United States to thank for that.

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He's going to be using Iranian oil soon also.

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Comrade Chedoh - is for best that you calm yourself somewhat down, for two glorious reasons:

1) I have it on most excellent secret soviet authority that Electric Residential Limo is, in fact, powered by large hidden wind turbine behind White House. This is in fact part of Squad's Green New Deal.

2) Resident Biden is actually unaware of oil from either Russia or Iran - or the United States, for that matter. The Resident only thinks of Two Very Important Things:
a. When is the next ice cream cone, and
b. Does my diaper need changing?

These Two Very Important Things keep glorious Dear Leader's remaining brain cells fully occupied at all times; no time is left for additional thoughts.

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Good Grief,
The Biden Administration Is Looking
to Buy Oil From Venezuela ......
For Crying Out Loud, Would Somebody,
Please Update The Sofware On This BOT


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Chedoh, like R.O.C.K said, best to keep calm and Kraken on. Are you just trying to get the glorious People’s Cube msmdnc defrac tested, again, for exposing a current truth to light of day?
‘pelipsky is looking forward to shutting down Texazistan’s refineries to reset all instruments to new non-Russian oil gas requirements. Look for new Russian Free gas blends at Collective’s pumps, soon.

The Collective must continue to support Biden’s Embargo on American Oil. FIRST.