
The People's News #12 Mar 11 2022

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And Just Like That, DuckDuckGo Becomes Google — One-Time Free Search Engine Now Down-ranks Conservative Content – Bans Gateway Pundit

I meant to write about DuckDuckGo a few days ago for reasons similar to this GP article. The difference is that I was going to point out how DuckDuckGo scrubs some image content if it holds liberals/leftists in a bad light and often lists conservative content according to which articles attack them most viciously. But that's not all.

I tried "White House Chief of Staff" in an image search and only got pictures of Trump's WHCOS and earlier ones—not one picture of current WHCOS Ron Klain. In case you haven't noticed, Ron Klain—a primary puller of the Biden marionette's strings—has been kept deep in the shadows by the White House. He's one of the biggest players in the administration yet he's largely omitted from the news as if he doesn't exist.

Makes one wonder who's running DuckDuckGo...or who's paying them off.

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"Let's just rumor here, straight out."

First off, what's with Kamala?? This is not the Komodo Kamala from the Dream Diary of Tiffany, SJW; ... do#p226374

gutting other hot Democrats, like Tulsi, or multivotential rappers in foreign jails, like A$AP Rocky. Those two Democrats were sliced and diced by the real Kamala.

The video of Kamala:VP in Poland, was some Komodo, else. The Kamala Komodo knew what to retort to Tulsi talking down endless wars to prop up corrupt heads of states, be they local, or foreign!

So, 'pelipsky ain't buying that the campaign Komodo Kamala and The Kamala:VP in Poland are the same lizard.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
3/11/2022, 12:19 pm

I tried "White House Chief of Staff" in an image search and only got pictures of Trump's WHCOS and earlier ones—not one picture of current WHCOS Ron Klain. In case you haven't noticed, Ron Klain—a primary puller of the Biden marionette's strings—has been kept deep in the shadows by the White House. He's one of the biggest players in the administration yet he's largely omitted from the news as if he doesn't exist.

Makes one wonder who's running DuckDuckGo...or who's paying them off.

DuckDuckGo, has an evenly patched current and former White House Chief of Staff images, with enough wild hits, to keep political dyslexia performance at peak levels. Political dyslexia -or the hatred of the people you actually agree with - is surging.

Be careful what you search for, comrades.

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Dear Editor of The People’s News,

After re-reading this reader’s comments, ‘pelipsky succumbed to sponsored advertising, smoked a few reapers, and is much better focused on getting refocused.

For new subscribers to The People’s News, and ‘pelipsky just signed up new subscriber, this very week! But, to new subscribers, you can avoid search engine cynicism by employing The People’s Cube search engine, first and then only open resource.

Just type “Komodo“ into TPC busiest servers in world and adventure into the stacks of evidence concerning Kamala on this topic is a Komodo.

Searching the TPC stacks is not a waste of time, like DuckDuckGo, which leaves the searcher confused and dyslexic in what to think. This never occurs to comrades employing TPC search engine. Never!

Click for yourselves, People’s News subscribers. Don’t just take a horned lagomorph at a horned lagomorph’s word!

‘pelipsky would again like to thank Reapers for return to clarity. Sometimes, the soft tissue crepitus of air in the mythical mind of ‘pelipsky builds to extreme pressure like ocd popping a sheet of bubble wrapped thought comments. The release of the pressurized air on head is all ‘pelipsky can think about without the focused affect of Reapers, a proud sponsor of The People’s News.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment about employing the TPC Search Engine to fully comprehend The People’s News, and its subscribers.

Crepitus pressured forelock tug,