
Gay Black Woman not electable as VP or SCOTUS Justice replaces Psaki

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Biden names Karine Jean-Pierre press secretary as Jen Psaki steps down

Karine meets the screening criteria for Vice President and Supreme Court Justice, and is openly gay. The best Premier Bai-Din can do for her/xir is Press Secretary. Secretary. How sexist.

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She was great in the Police Academy movies!

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Ellsworth Toohey wrote:
5/5/2022, 7:01 pm
She was great in the Police Academy movies!

Please grant back to me the mouth full of beet vodka I just spit on my screen.

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You should denounce yourself, comrade, for wasting Beet Vodka. Many vegans died to bring us that Beet Vodka and besides that, with the price of fuel these days, it's other qualities are in high demand. That stuff is like gold. Or maybe rubies. In any case, you should be more careful.