
The People's News #82, May 22

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The collision of leftist academia, political correctness, anti-reality, anti-science and the shibboleth of DIE (Diverstity, Inclusion and Equity) results in a melange of imbecility, willful ignorance and absurdity clothed in the diaphanous fabric of false authority.

Given the chance, a scholar may argue convincingly that a steaming pile of bullshit is a delicious chocolate cake or that the naked emperor is wearing clothes, but The People™ know better.


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Can a community of devolved primates learn anything this biology teacher has to offer? He sounds like he might even know what a woman is, but that’s because he is a biologist, teaching biology class, at The People’s School, ‘Who's A Primate’.

Now, stop scratching yourselves like a herd of wild chimpanzees, and try to be a primate, like Obama.

forelock tug.

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Since children tend to do the opposite of what authority figures and teachers tell them, does this mean children will become well-educated, Christian philosopher-warriors ready to work hard and advance civilization?

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Minitrue wrote:
5/22/2022, 5:52 pm
Since children tend to do the opposite of what authority figures and teachers tell them, does this mean children will become well-educated, Christian philosopher-warriors ready to work hard and advance civilization?

No. It means that the gulags need to be repopulated with members of the National Science Teachers Association.