
The People's News #89, May 29

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Page 4 Table of Misinformation Exposed by Current Truth™

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Colonel,

Gilding the lily a bit. 

It doesn't matter which firearm you pick up.  You will NOT be bullet proof. 

What IS the "gunshow loophole" anyway?  No one has ever been able to define it for me. 

Red Flag laws completely lack due process.  Just like every other "common sense" gun control law, all it does is duplicate laws that are presently on the books but rarely enforced. 

When you have to rename your scheme because people resist, it's not because the name is bad.  It's because your scheme is bad. 

OK, enough.  Great People's News today.  Thanks Komrad Colonel.

Practicing my breathing exercises to improve my gun control in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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Red Salmon wrote:
5/29/2022, 7:05 pm
Most Equally Esteemed Komrad Colonel...

It doesn't matter which firearm you pick up.  You will NOT be bullet proof. 
Exactly. A well-placed shot can take out anyone no matter how they're armed. ... an-pistol/

What IS the "gunshow loophole" anyway?  No one has ever been able to define it for me.
The idea that you could buy, sell or trade firearms at gun shows with no restrictions or law enforcement oversight. True a quarter century ago but just a lib lie now. 

Red Flag laws completely lack due process.  Just like every other "common sense" gun control law, all it does is duplicate laws that are presently on the books but rarely enforced.
It's more insidious for its potential for massive abuse by politicians. It's the reason behind Obama's push to proscribe arms ownership for both veterans and retirees, claiming hidden PTSD and senility but hiding that both groups tend to be conservatives. 

When you have to rename your scheme because people resist, it's not because the name is bad.  It's because your scheme is bad.
That's why Nazis called gas chambers "showers." 

OK, enough.  Great People's News today.  Thanks Komrad Colonel.
Thank you, Comrade!


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The amount of Past, Current, and Future Truth in this edition of The People's News was so double plus good, chewing twice is mandatory enjoyment.