
Tiananmen Square Massacre - Thirty-three years ago today

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Thirty-three years ago an unidentified Chinese man bravely stood up against the might and power of the murderous Chinese Communist Party. No one knows what happened to “Tank Man,” but he will always be remembered and revered by those who continue to fight the evils of communism.

Tank Man.jpg

And from the Tiananmen Square Mothers with a link to an English translation

Tiananmen Square Mothers.jpg

Thirty-three years ago, a brutal tragedy of unparalleled savagery occurred in China, sending shockwaves across the nation and around the world. The ruling Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, in complete disregard of the lives of the hundreds of thousands of students and common people along the ten-mile Chang’an Avenue, used the military to indiscriminately murder innocent people in the capital city of Beijing with live ammunition. The armed forces aimed their guns at them and even drove tanks to crush the crowd, killing and injuring thousands.

This government-led massacre caught Beijing residents completely off guard. At around 10 p.m. on June 3, under cover of darkness, martial law troops rode tanks and armored vehicles from all directions toward Tiananmen Square. On their way, they sprayed students and residents with gunfire and chased after those trying to escape, leaving heavy casualties in their wake. Early the next morning, on June 4, when student protestors evacuated from the square in files and walked to Liubukou in Xidan, the army unleashed poisonous tear gas with paralyzing nerve agents, causing the students and residents at the scene to collapse on the ground, unable to move due to difficulty breathing and a feeling of suffocation. A row of tanks ran over the fallen crowd.


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I made this poster with the Tiananmen Square's "Tank Man" in January, to protest the 2022 Beijing Olympics. The event still happened, although now the tank might as well be decorated with the logos of ABC, Uber, AirBNB, and other corporate sponsors, like a NASCAR racecar.


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Red Square wrote:
6/5/2022, 8:23 pm
I made this poster with the Tiananmen Square's "Tank Man" in January, to protest the 2022 Beijing Olympics. The event still happened, although now the tank might as well be decorated with the logos of ABC, Uber, AirBNB, and other corporate sponsors, like a NASCAR racecar.

That's a cool idea.  Have you shared it with agitprop?

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Not sure if it was you or what, but the Olympics were definitely not being watched much this year. Warms my heart. ... 26508.html

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I just saw this posting and was shocked to see that there were only three comments. It's an event that we should always remember because of what it illustrates; a tale about the evils of centralized control and collectivism.

This anniversary always sneaks up on me for some reason. Every year I tell myself; "Next year I'll remember, but I never do until someone posts something about it. The media ignores it and I have my suspicions why.

Thank you Salazarinsky for the reminder. May we never forget this anniversary and may we never forget the courage of "Tank Man".

I remain
Dr. Chicago