
The People’s News #116, June 25

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Who says Texazistan operates according to rational economics by researching and teaching it at Texazistan’s Agriculture & Mechanical Univerity? ... -top-story

Nazi concentration camps were an economic dynamo running by retrieving gold fillings, too. There is not enough tax money to be seized to pay for the results of this kind of economic depravity being taught in The Collective by a guy The Collective pays to just do it to us.

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So all along, Planned Parenthood has been collecting the gold fillings of fetuses? This explains so much...

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Rapinoe.jpg ... something/
Okay, Meg...

“My body, my choice” is a justification for how much you eat, what clothes you wear and whether you maintain a physical fitness regimen—it is not a justification for murder.

A gestating fetus is not a body part, it is a living human being. Killing a human being is murder and nothing other than murder.

Men cannot get pregnant and are free to have sex whenever they want without the bodily consequence of pregnancy. Men are endowed with natural “body autonomy,” and jealous feminists—enraged by this biological inequality—want to possess that male characteristic badly enough to kill for it.

Feminists have come to view abortion as the great equalizer that gives them fake male “body autonomy” and grants them a false “liberation” from their fundamental female nature. Abortion defies nature at the cost of human life. Abortion is murder that feminists deceptively reframe as female “body autonomy.”

“Body autonomy” proponents never mention the many forms of easily available contraceptives because that would wreck their argument for abortion. They want to be able to fall back on abortion. Abortion is their final solution for when they’re so convinced of their “body autonomy” that they engage in careless, irresponsible sex without men do...because that’s the nature of men...and feminists are driven to be equal with men...whom they hate and call "toxic."

P.S. Feminism is cancer.
HT to Milo Yiannopoulos.

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Because of the "religious reich", no Handmaid is safe during the "summer of rage".



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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:
6/25/2022, 6:24 pm
Because of the "religious reich", no Handmaid is safe during the "summer of rage".
