
Agriculture is BAA-aaa-d

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Agriculture is BAaa-aaa-d, comrades. ... se%20gases.

Before reaching our plates, our food is produced, stored, processed, packaged, transported, prepared, and served. At every stage, food provisioning releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Farming in particular releases significant amounts of methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gases. Methane is produced by livestock during digestion due to enteric fermentation and is released via belches. It can also escape from stored manure and organic waste in landfills. Nitrous oxide emissions are an indirect product of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilisers.

Ending the intensive emissioning of agricultural life is the simplest way to end your carbon footprint.

By reducing food waste and our consumption of emission-intensive food products, we can contribute to cutting the greenhouse-gas emissions of agriculture.

Agriculture as a method to produce food is THE most damaging thing to the planet. Agriculture is BAA--aaa--aaa-d because feeding your face is nothing more than a civilized indulgence in life.

Note: in future, hot and cold running water will only be available on alternate next Tuesdays, until further notice.

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Prog way the fuck off:

Where the fuck do they find these fucking morons?

Now back to your regularly scheduled reprogramming.

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It is all about global relevance.....These morons are products of our education system, enlightened by the work of Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse associated with The Frankfurt School of social theory and critical philosophy, which Marxist scholar Carl Grunberg founded.