
The People's News Sunday Magazine #178, August 28

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Panem Et Circenses wrote:
8/28/2022, 10:41 am
Can we abort it?

I suppose you can empty the petri dish into the toilet or pour it on you dog's food, otherwise no—not in the conventional sense.

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrads,

If we can’t abort it, what good is it?  I will only feel good about the synthetic embryo if it can be aborted.  For The Children™, of course.  

In all endeavors approved by The Party™ someone must suffer.  Resulting mass death is always an added delight.  

Celebrating the suffering synthetic embryo in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

PS.  Suffering Synthetic Embryo™ sounds like a great name for my garage band.  

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That’s disgusting, but what does it taste like?

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Red Salmon wrote:
8/28/2022, 12:57 pm
Most Equally Esteemed Komrads,
If we can’t abort it, what good is it?  I will only feel good about the synthetic embryo if it can be aborted.  For The Children™, of course.  
In all endeavors approved by The Party™ someone must suffer.  Resulting mass death is always an added delight. 
Celebrating the suffering synthetic embryo in the Current Truth™,
PS.  Suffering Synthetic Embryo™ sounds like a great name for my garage band.  

That which cannot be aborted can be abused and tortured (not necessarily in that order), and the potential for both is enormous.

It reminds me of that venerable old saying,


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$.$. Halliburton wrote:
8/28/2022, 2:44 pm
That’s disgusting, but what does it taste like?
DRUM ROLL PLEASE............