
The People's News #185, Sep. 5 Labor Day

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Watch what you eat!
Bear Trap.jpg
Your union medical benefits may not cover a bear in your colon!

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It's a rest stop on the road to the GWONT.

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Don't let the progs redefine the true meaning of labor.

From the People's Archives: Happy Labor Day 2020





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Repost from Labor Day 2020

The Labor Movement™ was then and still is the useful fool of International Communism, and Labor Day would have been placed on May 1st but for fears by Progressives that doing so might tip their red hands.

Labor Day marks the unions' victory of winning the eight-hour working day for laborers.

However, there are those (myself included) who believe that the true origin of Labor Day is an ancient Greek story about the condemnation of Sisyphus to an eternity of meaningless labor (rolling a stone up a hill in Hades only to see it roll down again day after day, year after year, decade after decade), symbolic of the toil that we are doomed to endure all our lives like hamsters running forever on madly spinning treadmills in an endlessly repeating Ground Hog Day that blasts our sanity and forever grinds our spirits down to calcified knots of exhaustion, hopelessness and despair until we are finally blessed with an undignified and long overdue death (except on holidays).
