
The People's News #197, SEP 18

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Teaxazistan is Blue Zone’s illegal immigration facility. Sam Houston accepted these Blue Zone Terms of The Constitution when Texazistan joined the USSA in 1844. There are no actual citizens of Texazistan which is why Senator Cornyn is so fixed on legalizing Dreams of Texazistanian Fathers. Without legalizing Dreams of Texazistan’s Fathers, Cornyn could never expect to be re-elected, as his own voter base has descended into a MAGAMob to which he will not bow.

Pass that hypocrisy crack pipe, Colonel O.

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Comrade Colonel

Once again you have graced us with most equal work.

3 away from issue 200. That is a milestone for the Kollektive.

I remain
Dr. Chicago

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
9/18/2022, 12:16 pm
Teaxazistan is Blue Zone’s illegal immigration facility. Sam Houston accepted these Blue Zone Terms of The Constitution when Texazistan joined the USSA in 1844. There are no actual citizens of Texazistan which is why Senator Cornyn is so fixed on legalizing Dreams of Texazistanian Fathers. Without legalizing Dreams of Texazistan’s Fathers, Cornyn could never expect to be re-elected, as his own voter base has descended into a MAGAMob to which he will not bow.

Pass that hypocrisy crack pipe, Colonel O.

Mea culpalipsky

Yes to brilliance of Colonel O. As a karaoke hooligan, your ability to sling some feces at the sitting target was an incendiary direct hit. The tears of unreal Christians as the busses departed. But, the things they said about the purpose of Texazistan, and how it was just a big trash can State. That's Texazistan to the members of the MVMA? So now we're breakfast tacos and illegal immigrant trash collection center??

'pelipsky went justified on John Cornyn's truck on the way over to this comment to praise Colonel Obyezyana for really knowing how to sling a gorilla pie.

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jackalopelipsky wrote:
9/18/2022, 7:13 pm
Mea culpalipsky

Yes to brilliance of Colonel O. As a karaoke hooligan, your ability to sling some feces at the sitting target was an incendiary direct hit. The tears of unreal Christians as the busses departed. But, the things they said about the purpose of Texazistan, and how it was just a big trash can State. That's Texazistan to the members of the MVMA? So now we're breakfast tacos and illegal immigrant trash collection center??

'pelipsky went justified on John Cornyn's truck on the way over to this comment to praise Colonel Obyezyana for really knowing how to sling a gorilla pie.
PO CAUTION- Gorillas Will.jpg
All jocularity aside, the Democrats despise Texazistan because it's successful and has a massive number of Electoral College votes that are largely Republican. These are among the primary reasons for the open-border policy: Dems want to drown Texazistan in a flood of unemployables, criminals, drugs and illegal voters to ruin the State any way they can.

Although the Dems have a strong toehold in Austin, they cannot win the rest of the State without extreme and slimy measures not fit for a Constitutional Republic.

I lived in Texazistan for years and I know the deal, as I'm sure you do, too.

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Dr. Chicago wrote:
9/18/2022, 1:20 pm
Comrade Colonel
Once again you have graced us with most equal work.
3 away from issue 200. That is a milestone for the Kollektive.
If I get that far. I have lots to do and little time and may have to cut back to every other day (or week).
(Besides, this site gets so little traffic that it's hardly worth the effort)

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
9/18/2022, 8:11 pm
Dr. Chicago wrote:
9/18/2022, 1:20 pm
Comrade Colonel
Once again you have graced us with most equal work.
3 away from issue 200. That is a milestone for the Kollektive.
If I get that far. I have lots to do and little time and may have to cut back to every other day (or week).
(Besides, this site gets so little traffic that it's hardly worth the effort)

Trafficked readers of TPN are shell shocked at the success of the joke of communism in the USSA. That should not concern a sh*t slinging Gorilla in the slightest. Press on, comrade! snicker.

Looking forward to today's TPN.


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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
9/18/2022, 8:11 pm

(Besides, this site gets so little traffic that it's hardly worth the effort)

Comrade Colonel

There was a time and not too long ago when this site was very active and had a lot of traffic. I look at the Hall of Fame and I recognize many comrades who either no longer post and comment, or rarely do. It's a shame because I would get on site and be greeted with hilarity on every post. I would come here daily to get my head straight from the madness that is the news. I guess times and people have become too serious for many to laugh at the world. I've noticed also that a lot of humor is lacking on this site and that may be part of the problem. This used to be a raucous and lively place.

Oh well, enough nostalgia. Midterms are coming and I have to read the obituaries to get names for the voting rolls.

I remain
Dr. Chicago

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
9/18/2022, 8:11 pm
Dr. Chicago wrote:
9/18/2022, 1:20 pm
Comrade Colonel
Once again you have graced us with most equal work.
3 away from issue 200. That is a milestone for the Kollektive.
If I get that far. I have lots to do and little time and may have to cut back to every other day (or week).
(Besides, this site gets so little traffic that it's hardly worth the effort)
Dear Colonel - we may be somewhat obscured from the general public by the social media and the search engine trickery, but the quality of our readers compensates for their quantity any day.

For example, here's an email that arrived to Tractor Barn #2 some days ago.

The Colonel's work is outstanding and a shining People's Star in the fine People's Cube politburo. He deserves, at the least, a link under the Mother Page drop-down where one may click on a # be directed to the issue.

If by chance I wasn't paying attention during my years at the re-education camp and there is a way to browse all his work, I will board the train to an appropriate gulag, my head hanging in shame.

Seriously, thanks for all the years of fun!! Looking forward to many more.

That said, here's a screenshot of our stats for today at Cloudflare. These numbers are actually lower than usual, due to the DDoS protection I have to turn on once in a while when we are under attack, which happens quite regularly.


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Red Square wrote:
9/19/2022, 9:43 pm
Dear Colonel - we may be somewhat obscured from the general public by the social media and the search engine trickery, but the quality of our readers compensates for their quantity any day.
Thank you for sharing, Comrade Red Square. I shall endeavor to be a little less cynical in future, and as a token of my resolve, please accept this vintage magazine advertisement from 1992:
It's hard to tell, but Doctor Huxtable is not sitting at the table, he's standing.