
The People's News #199, SEP 21

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Comrade Colonel

Most equal work as usual. Now I can go about my day with the knowledge of The Party.

I remain
Dr. Chicago

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Russian citizens who live in Eastern Siberia and can't fly to the West are now crossing the Mongolian border in record numbers. I hear there are now more Russian tourists in Mongolia than there are native Mongolians. Should be good for their economy.

I deliberately wrote "Russian citizens" and not Russians because there are areas in Eastern Siberia populated by ethnicities closely related to Mongolians in their language, culture, and physical appearance. Many of them had been drafted earlier to invade Ukraine and most of those are now dead.

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Red Square wrote:
9/21/2022, 7:52 pm
Russian citizens who live in Eastern Siberia and can't fly to the West are now crossing the Mongolian border in record numbers. I hear there are now more Russian tourists in Mongolia than there are native Mongolians. Should be good for their economy.

I can't see how this is going to help Putin in whatever his goals are. From what I've read, and personally I take everything with several grains of salt these days, this war isn't popular in Russia. The government has had to quell protests and there seem to be more. I can't see how a draft will help Putin's popularity and even tyrants have to be mindful of the masses.