
Notable/Quotable: Intellectually honest people don't use logical fallacies

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Here we have an example of the No True Scotsman logical fallacy, the Red Herring logical fallacy and the Appeal to Ridicule logical fallacy all in one sentence.

I will go so far as to say that every argument I've seen by a Lefty on the internet employs at least one logical fallacy. Many times there are two or more.

I had been ignoring trolls at sites I frequent but I've started to respond by simply pointing out the logical fallacies employed by the troll. They respond with another, typically an Appeal to Ridicule logical fallacy. I respond by saying Now you respond with another logical fallacy, the Appeal to Ridicule. They respond to that with another Appeal to Ridicule. Great fun. The Left only has logical fallacies in their quiver of arguments.

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I see you claim to have not stopped beating your wife.

How reprehensible.

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The olympics of "getting rid of undesirables and transport them to internment camps using the military as fast as you can": the results are in!
1. Martha's Vineyard
2. Soviet Russia / 1930's Germany (shared second place)
3. China under Mao
4. Cuba

Congratulations Martha's Vineyard! A fun pack of barbed wire is coming your way, to better "help" the next bunch of diversifiers!