
The Roots of Systemic Wokism

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A phrase invented by Leftists to ridicule a pervasive fear of communist infiltration that turned out to be provably well-founded. 
A claim used by Leftists to further divide people and speed the societal breakdown necessary to finally achieve all communist goals.
Woke claims of systemic racism ring hollow as more and more claims spring up, each more fraudulent, propagandistic and ridiculous than the one preceding it. And that old fear of infiltration rings louder and louder as we see once-trusted information sources jump on the woke bandwagon. Such sources lose their imprimatur of authority and trustworthiness when they print garbage like “The 1619 Project” or articles like these: 

If everything is racist, then racism itself has lost all meaning. Like air that we breathe and walk through but seldom notice or think about. All around us but invisible. Odorless, tasteless and colorless unless we make a conscious effort to discern it. And analyze it. Then over-analyze it—to the point that we call water air and call rocks air and call light air.
Over-analysis is the mark of both extremists and the deranged.
To simplify the direction that woke racialists are speeding toward, here’s an illustration:
What Woko Haram sees when it looks at a dictionary: a trove of things to accuse of racism.
What Woko Haram sees when it looks at a dictionary: a trove of things to accuse of racism.

Note well that despite several formerly reliable dictionaries going woke, it isn’t the dictionary that’s considered racist—it’s everything in it. 

Articles that reveal some truth about those who make woke accusations of systemic racism here: ... supremacy/
And here: ... in-racism/
But not here: ... d-by-garth

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
1/2/2023, 10:09 am
If everything is racist, then racism itself has lost all meaning. Like air that we breathe and walk through but seldom notice or think about. All around us but invisible. Odorless, tasteless and colorless unless we make a conscious effort to discern it. And analyze it. Then over-analyze it—to the point that we call water air and call rocks air and call light air.
Over-analysis is the mark of both extremists and the deranged.

Just like Greta Thunberg, who can "see" the streams of carbon dioxide in the air around her, and is scared out of her head by what she "sees," as her mommy proudly claims.

But science tells us that there's only 0.04% of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Such a miniscule amount would not be visible to the human eye even if it were painted in bright rainbow colors.

Just like an equally miniscule amount of racism in our society would not be visible to the human eye unless you have a mind like Greta's. Then you can "see" it streaming all around you and get scared out of your head by what you "see."

In the case of Greta's mommy, it's parental abuse. In the case of CRT fearmongers, it's abuse of power and confidence games.

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Anti-fascism in the United States would be a science of social adjustment working at a deep level of the psyche, modeled on the occupation government’s parallel effort in Germany.

“What is needed is a human being that can internalise democratic values,” said Bergmann, the US Army psychiatrist. “Psychoanalysis carried in it the promise that it can be done. It opened up new vistas as to how the inner structure of the human being can be changed so that he becomes a more vital, free supporter and maintainer of democracy.”

It wasn't the ultra-violence experienced by soldiers fighting Nazism and Fascism of WWII that harmed their minds, it was the repressed violence featured back home in their American family upbringing that indicated systemic fascist roots within American soldiers.

Rooting out a comrades systemic fascism is today's religious persecution. Maintaining fixed beliefs is presumed to be the psychotic cry of anti-democracy, too feeble in mind to see The Current Truth's™ number of presented fingers.

In this period, Walter Lippmann and H.L. Mencken were influential among liberals in their embittered view of the public as unreliable partners in the democratic project. What was wanted was democracy without a demos. This becomes less paradoxical once you understand that the term “democracy” was serving then, as it does now, as a term of approbation naming something in no way dependent upon the procedures of representative government, and a character ideal defined in explicit opposition to the deplorable masses. The mantle of “democracy” was the homespun worn by liberalism when it went about in public, seeking a wider political legitimacy than would otherwise be extended to the preoccupations of a civilised minority pursuing “experiments in living”, to use J.S. Mill’s formula.

St. Rodney King, the Patron Saint of Political Democracy. Anyone thinking they could get along fine with Rodney, IF he didn't take PCP, then drive at excessive speed within our neighborhoods, is an anti-democracy fascist. The PAX Democracy of liberals comes after their premeditated boot to the face.

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RE: Was the Sexual Revolution a Government Psy-Op?

Interesting reading from our mythical horned comrade.

For some strange (repressed?) reason when reading that (maybe it was my "Latent Fascism") I kept thinking of the late, great Sterling Hayden as General Jack D. Ripper* explaining the International Communist Conspiracy and our, 'precious bodily fluids, Madrake!!!'

" cream, ice cream Mandrake, children's ice cream."

*A shameless slander against General Curtis Emerson LeMay, a true American hero who was given some absolutely horrific choices to make.

As Colonel O points out, Gen. LeMay was right about a few things with regards to the Communist Menace, even though he is relentlessly parodied and openly ridiculed.

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It was an interesting read. And, yes, Purity of Essence thoughtology was written upon our flouridated minds. But, resist this much we much resist, right Comrades?

Living in fear of the haute' of systemic "whatever" isn't necessary anymore, Comrades. Mitch and Biden have cured Amerikkka's systemic underfunding for Kentucky. It's so systemic, that Mitch maintained Kentucky's systemically underfundedness in Transportation Infrastructure when Trump was President. ... r-kentucky

Mitch is now like Greta, seeing streams....streams...of systemic funds, flowing all around him. Even though economically those funds are less than 0.000004% in particulate size. But, Mitch and Biden, together, have ended systemic underfunding in Kentucky. Now, all your shovels are FREE!

It's like Big Rock Candy Mountain, comrades.

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Red Square wrote:
1/2/2023, 3:29 pm
Just like Greta Thunberg, who can "see" the streams of carbon dioxide in the air around her, and is scared out of her head by what she "sees," as her mommy proudly claims.

But science tells us that there's only 0.04% of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Such a miniscule amount would not be visible to the human eye even if it were painted in bright rainbow colors.

Actually, Comrade, Carbon Dioxide absorbs certain wavelengths of infrared. So, if you can see infrared (for instance, say, that you're actually a bug) you would see those missing "colors" as gray.

What that means in Greta's case is up to other scientists. I'm a climate and hokey schtick expert, not an entomologist. However, all entomologists agree that we will all have to eat bugs Real Soon Now.

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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:
1/5/2023, 6:25 pm
...all entomologists agree that we will all have to eat bugs Real Soon Now.
I'm happy to eat bugs as long as they're mad of beef.
Or beets.