
Ode To Billy Barr

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Heard an absurd buffoon, another sleazy, tell a whopper day
Bill was out spouting lawfare, in his swamp trope mush mouthin' way
And as Joe wanders round, he's stopped, and walked back to White House to eat
Obama hollered out the back door, “Y’all remember Tafari, please.”

Jackalopelipsky said, "I got some news this mornin' some swamp talk bilge
Today, Billy Barr just lied to us jumped off the Trump Derangement Bridge.”

And Papa said to Momma, as Barr gassed about on blaggard knees
“Well, Billy Barr never MAGA essence; pass indictments, please
There's five more 'dictments in Trump Lawfare sortie Bill's gotta kowtow.”
Obama said it was shame about Tafari, anyhow

Seems like justice never comes to no good thunk by swamp talk bilge
And now Billy Barr just lied to us jumped off the Trump Derangement Bridge

'pelipsky said she recollected when Wray, Comey, and Billy Barr
Sic'd LawFare® behind Trump's back at the Mueller Committee's Big Show
And wasn't AntiFa burning D.C. Church "Next Tuesday Nights"?
Bill speaks Big Brotherese; you know, He don't see right

Just saw him on the Newsreel yesterday Barr's own swamp talk bilge
And, now I'm tellin' ya Billy Barr's jumped off the Trump Derangement Bridge

I said 'pelipsky's riled, "What's happened to Hunter's big indict?"
He's been crookin', suborning, 'pelipsky hasn't touched up his sound byte
That nice young Trumpster, Marjorie Taylor, dropped laptop play
Said she'd be pleased charge Mann Act "Next Tuesday, oh, by the way

I said I saw news reel that looked a lot like Bill, talkin' swamp talk bilge
And the news said, Billy Barr was saying dumb things 'cause of Trump Derangement Bridge

The years have come and gone since we learned can't trust Billy Barr
Joe's brother trades in sketchy options; he sought State's store, ain't apropos
Deep State cooked the virus going 'round; Pence caught it, campaign died late spring
Merrick Garland doesn't seem to want to do much of anything

‘pelipsky spends a lot of time pickin' karaokes 'bout this swamp talk bilge
And drops them in to the swampy water off the Trump Derangement Bridge ... tatements/

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Truly Inspired, my mythical horned lagomorphical Comrade!