
Paratroopers' Day in the Motherland

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Paratrooper Carries Table in His Mouth During Military Celebration

On this most sacred "Paratroopers' Day" let us be comforted not that the Paratroopers and Special Forces of the Motherland can break concrete with their heads, spin on a truck-mounted high-bar, or even as shown above, hold a table with their teeth...

But that they can carry that table from underneath, and still keep it steady with their teeth.

Airborne! All the way...

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:
8/4/2023, 7:59 pm
Airborne! All the way...
Comrade Ivan, for recognizing and bringing attention to this marginally glorious day of recognizing marginal gloriousness, you deserve a special honor. Therefore, you are awarded this certificate:  

SN Certificate.jpg

You can print it out and keep it in a drawer, or put it in a frame and cover that nasty hole someone drilled last week between the stalls in the men's room at Tractor Barn No.2, or you can use it to get a free onion and cabbage sandwich at Blumpkin's on your birthday. Enjoy.

Spetznaz motivational.jpg

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In case anyone was wondering...
[click for larger]
Blumpkin's Sandwiches and Varmint Bait, 3 Seborrhea Pike, Progress Gulch, Texazistan
Blumpkin's Sandwiches and Varmint Bait, 3 Seborrhea Pike, Progress Gulch, Texazistan