
Russian superweapons rarely explode, but when they do, they kill all the scientists

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I am not making this up.

Reliable sources from among defecting Russian scientists have said that around 2020, Russia developed a “superweapon” named Burevestnik, a nuclear-fueled missile, basically a flying Chernobyl, capable of flying for days before dropping. They produced 6 missiles for testing. Four failed to launch, and two flew, but fell around the Kola Peninsula without exploding. It took them months to locate one in the water and to assemble a team of divers and scientists. When they tried to lift it, it exploded and killed all the divers and scientists, hundreds of people. The second unexploded superweapon is still in the bog somewhere, and they are still afraid to come near it. That's the kind of “superweapons” Russia is bragging about.

After that 2020 explosion, President Trump stated that Russia had broken a treaty by conducting a nuclear test. What he didn't know is that the actual test happened months earlier. Now we know.

Putin had been bragging about this rocket since 2018. This is how it was presented in the Russian media. It says, "Russian Rocket "Burevestnik" has made the USA nervous." 


This story has just come out today for the first time, and the only link is this YouTube interview below. It’s in Russian, but you can set up automatic English subtitles. Not perfect, but it does the job. The first half is about that superweapon, and the second part is about the Wagner Group training Hamas and Hezbollah fighters in their camps. Also of interest.

The interviewer is Yulia Latynina. I follow her channel and I’ve read about a dozen of her books. She is an expat journalist and author, who sometimes publishes op-eds in the U.S. media.

Her guest is Vladimir Osechkin, a legitimate human rights activist who escaped Russia to France in 2015 and is now under 24/7 protection from the FSB by French security.

His sources are Russian rocket and nuclear scientists who worked on that project and have recently defected to the West with his help. Taking people out of Russia and briefing them is what his organization does, which is why he needs that protection.

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This sounds a lot like the fabled "lead balloon." Is there a Russian Hero of Military Incomptetence medal out there?

Why have a dirty bomb lurk around in the sky for days, making itself a target when they can slap them on cheap FROGs (Free Rockets Over Ground) and donate them to Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas? (As I'm certain is already in the plans.)

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Why indeed, Colonel O? Especially when an American transvestite luggage stealer was in charge of USSA's spent nuclear rods. What could possibly go horribly wrong??

It seems both Putin and Biden are in the business of destroying their own nations through terrible programs of failure. The fear of reporting program failure to respective leader's portrait, keeps Russia and USSA hurtling to our own national destruction, while taking the World down, too.

Surely, VPEE Kamala has a Venn Diagram to explain this

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Denys Davydov commented on this. He has a master's in aeronautical engineering, and he was commenting on Russia's allegedly nuclear powered loitering cruise missile. The problem, as he saw it, was keeping a turbine sufficiently lubricated to work indefinitely even if the alleged nuclear powerplant worked. It wouldn't be long before it ground out its own fans and then ceased to loiter - and who knows where?

The Russians do have some experience with this. They have dropped their version of the JDAM aimed at eastern Ukraine while launched over Russian airspace, but failed to strap on the wings properly. Ask anybody who lives in Belgorod.