
Laika the Space Dog needs your help!

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Laika the Space Dog hasn't visited the People's Cube in a while. The person behind little Laika's character is actually a big guy with a huge heart, but he has fallen on hard times.

Tom had his leg amputated due to a medical condition. Now he needs to rebuild his house for wheelchair access, in addition to other related expenses. So his friends set up a Gofundme page, asking for donations. I have already donated, and I'm sure many of you will also be happy to help Tom during this difficult time.

Tom's Gofundme page ... OL5RsqJe1E

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Just sent a case of surplus "Old Tractor Barn #2" beet vodka. It should have a black market value of at least 80 rubles.

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And a few kilos of fermented carrots to go with beet vodka, straight from our #1 vegetable garden!


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I have provide rubles for towards operation but per Obamacare unfortunately no anesthesia.