
FBI To Crackdown On Grocery Bills.

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Comrades, on this Memorial Day weekend, we must remember what a great job the FBI is doing to counter Domestic Terrorism™. From shoot-to-kill orders for a raid on a former president’s home, for a box of documents the government sent to him, to the Radical Terrorist™ parents Terrorizing™ school boards, your FBI is on the case and fighting for YOU!....r party.

The FBI has identified a new Domestic Terrorist™ threat that is radicalizing people across the USSA: grocery bills. Yes, it's true. This radical literature is distorting the minds of millions of voters who then pose an existential threat to The Party™. The FBI has been tasked with combating this threat.

There have been a series of raids conducted, by land, sea and air (combined arms assaults) on seemingly innocent suburban supermarkets that are deliberately gouging customers to make them mad and hate The Party™. We will combat this scourge on Our Democracy™.

Don’t worry though, if you happen to get caught up in one of these raids, the authorization of lethal force is perfectly normal and legal. So just duck.


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The FBI is ready to SWAT any comrade complaining about Biden’s Super Sized Grocery Bills with a smaller tic tac in every box. Malcontents are not welcome in the Biden Economic Futures Initiative.

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Most Equally Esteemed Comrades,

There is an obvious Final Solution™ to the pesky problem of the perception of high food prices.  Simply remove the food supply!  Problem solved!  This has been a staple of Part Policy™ since 1921. 

Jumping to the end of the stream of the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

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Red Salmon wrote:
5/28/2024, 9:53 am
Most Equally Esteemed Comrades,

There is an obvious Final Solution™ to the pesky problem of the perception of high food prices.  Simply remove the food supply!  Problem solved!  This has been a staple of Part Policy™ since 1921. 

Jumping to the end of the stream of the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon

Cured Red Salmon, you must have vacationed - i.e. burned your Patron Saint of Administrative Leave Mayorkas Candle - in the Currents under the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The Final Solution™ by Buttigieg & Biden, a stream of current truth about The Final Solution™ Transportation reality show. about never letting this transportation infrastructure corrapse go to waste, when it can be used to advance The Final Solution™
"Corrapse" is a Sister Bunny word that meant way more than collapse ever could. eg. The video of the Francis Scott Key Bridge Infrastructure Corrapse is very sobering. It corrapses the soul.

Makes you wonder why the FEDS haven't taken credit for the corrapse, like terrorist front groups in the Middle East.

Too far a satrical jump??
crossing the creek to get to the other side,

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Well, I am still having trouble enjoying the big dish of Buttigieg & Biden's air pudding with wing sauce I recently purchased at the local food store near the Spice of Life aisle. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.....