Who or what are The KG3? And why?

Some say they are an ad hoc group of cagey party misfits "putting the toil in toilet humor." Others suspect this troika was selected for its commitment to outstanding production. Do not be ridiculous. But perhaps the masses have the right to know why The KG3s efforts merit a separate category when they are not even children of elite Party members? Perhaps it is not wise to ask too many questions.

Obama E. Newman

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Reactionary satirists have begun their usual demonization of progressives leaders.

Leave it to rightwingers to describe Barack Obama as Hitler, Alfred E. Newman, or Barakula! Progressive satirists would've never done this to Republican candidates! We would've never printed a picture of George Bush as Alfred E. Newman on a magazine cover and ranked it in top 40 best magazine covers! Progressives would've never put a mustache on Bush's face and call him Bushitler.

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Or is this life imitating art?

BigFurHat wrote:
Reactionary satirists have begun their usual demonization of progressives leaders.

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I bet CafePress would find that image racist....