
Not Your Komissar's VH1

Comrades: See how capitalism has ruined the glorious motherland...


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Lots of posters you can see on the People's Cube. Plus I was happy to see young Pinkie working her sickle in the fields of the Motherland.

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Pinkie,you looked really lovely in this video....I liked your hair blonde...though it could do with a decent cut....jus' sayin' :)

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Hussies n' Thingies - I think you should take credit for playing at least two of the girls in the end... After watching that video, your avatar looks different. Beware of Lenin aiming at the carotid artery.

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Twinkies and Stolie's. Yes Pinkie is looking dazzling

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What is this, a game of daring called "Who Wants to Get Whacked with a Shovel Today?"

First Red Square makes a reference to "young Pinkie"--as opposed to what? The much older, more dried out Pinkie of today, who he thinks is too broken down and worn out to chase him across that field with her sickle?

Hussies n' Thingies wrote:Pinkie,you looked really lovely in this video....I liked your hair blonde...[HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]though it could do with a decent cut[/HIGHLIGHT]....jus' sayin' :)

Hussies n' Thingies, I happen to like you, so I'll let you off with a warning this time: Plying me with one of my mother's all time favorite quotes (and verbatim, no less) may cause me to snap out of whatever stupor I'm in, and go marching off to set off enough bombs to blow up half the world.

Now that you're in for a kopeck, comrades, who'd like to go in for a ruble? Any observations about Pinkie's boobs in that video, or do we know when it's better to keep our big yaps shut?

Aside from that, I see a lot of great bodice ripper shots in that video. Scantily clad females with heaving bosoms, swooning at the feet of a bald Fabio/Gorby--maybe Gorbafabio--with his huge pects. Love in the time of Glasnost! The Passion and the Perestroika!

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this bodice!

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this bodice!

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Sweet Zombie Stalin, What the Hell was That?

Any observations about Pinkie's boobs in that video, or do we know when it's better to keep our big yaps shut?

Pinkie...They are magnificent! All the more incentive to suckle at the government teat!

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Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this bodice!

What about the Che edible Party Approved and Rationed Panties?

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Red Square wrote:Hussies n' Thingies - I think you should take credit for playing at least two of the girls in the end... After watching that video, your avatar looks different. Beware of Lenin aiming at the carotid artery.

Yeah,so I enjoy a good popsicle from time to HU would prefer that I indulge more often,but that's another story.

As for Lenin.....all this time I thought he was whispering sweet revolutionary thoughts in my ear....I shall have to be more careful when he lingers near my carotid.

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Pinkie likes me...she really,really likes me!!

Alright,so she didn't exactly write that she REALLY likes me, I am just inferring that from her post because I want to, but she could have thought that when she wrote it.

Whatever,my idol likes me and that's all that matters.

BTW,Pinkie...I wrote that about getting a cut just to off-set the sycophantic nature of my post....I do tend to put you on a pedestal and must watch my tendency towards hero worship where you are concerned.

Please don't set any bombs off(unless you set them off at Fox News,of course)

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How is it I am just now seeing this video? Answer me this! Needless to say, this is evidence of what a true Party woman should look like! Not some pseudo glamorous image as the Commissarka recently sought.