
I'm in a conspiratorial mood today... And it's Soros's fault

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I'm in a conspiratorial mood today...

'I'm having a very good crisis,' says Soros as hedge fund managers make billions off recession

George Soros, in a Daily Mail interview, wrote:A hedge fund manager who predicted the global credit crunch has said the financial crisis has been 'stimulating' and the culmination of his life's work.

George Soros, who predicted the global financial crisis twice before, was one of the few people to anticipate and prepare for the current economic collapse.

Mr Soros said his prediction meant he was better able to brace his Quantum investment fund against the global storm.

But other investors failed to take notice of his prediction and his decision to come out of retirement in 2007 to manage the fund made him $US2.9 billion.

And while the financial crisis continued to deepen across the globe, the 78-year-old still managed to make $1.1 billion last year.


George Soros, in the People's Cube interview, wrote:All the more mulla-shmulla to control, finance, and empower progressive groups so they could do more of the same... While at the same time reinforcing class hatred and anti-capitalist outrage... I think I may just buy from Big Fur Hat... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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The Rethuglikkkans administration profiting from its manufactured, illegal war: WRONG!

The Party profiting from its manufactured, fearmongering "crisis": PRICELESS!!

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As if hearing my doubts and confusion, the she-demon has tempted me in today's column:

Ann Coulter wrote:How did Republicans get saddled with Wall Street? Obama just got the biggest campaign haul from Wall Street in world history, and Republicans still can't shake the public perception that they are tied at the hip to Wall Street bankers who hate them.

It's as if National Rifle Association members conspired with Republicans to bankrupt the country and everyone blamed the Democrats for being shills of the NRA.

Maybe if the financial capital of the nation were located in Salt Lake City, rather than Manhattan, the financial community would support Republicans. But Wall Street is a street located in New York City.

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There is a piece of crap in my kitty box that looks like Mr. Soros...I am considering selling it on eBay and donating the proceeds to fun re-education camps for slobbering neanderthal conservatives.

Glorious Meow, would this not be an exception permitting a brief fling with capitalism, all for the Greater Good?

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Ahhh...General Mousey-Tongue,
So nice of you to grace us with your presence!

If you just file the proper permits and appropriate fees with Central Planning, your request should be expedited.

Did you know that Soros (originally Schwartz) is a palindrome that means "next in line" or "designated successor" Now that's scary! I respectfully submit the following

Wikipedia quotes from George:

George Soros, a student of Karl Popper, has argued that the sophisticated use of powerful techniques of deception borrowed from modern advertising and cognitive science by political operatives such as Frank Luntz and Karl Rove casts doubt on Popper's original conception of Open Society.
"Because the electorates' perception of reality can easily be manipulated, democratic political discourse does not necessarily lead to a better understanding of reality."

Soros argues that besides the requirements for the separation of powers, free speech, and free elections, we also need to make explicit a strong commitment to the pursuit of truth.

"Politicians will respect, rather than manipulate, reality only if the public cares about the truth and punishes politicians when it catches them in deliberate deception."<br>

I particularly like the last sentence. I say, George, you talk of truth, but you practice only the manipulating and deception part, hence, very little punishment is ever meted out, at least not for the Democrats. (ex: Barney Frank, Chris Dodd)
You only wish to penalize those who do not subscribe to your particular vision of an "open society"
Could it be that you are a victim of "cognitive dissonance"? Or just a hyprocrite?

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So, we can expect to see Code Pink and ACORN demonstrating in front of George Soros's home mansions soon? Maybe Andy Cuomo will publish his addresses and phone numbers in case people want to call him and comment or something? How about Barney Frank launching one of his wonderful show trials hearings to investigate? If it comes with a nice box lunch, I'd attend!

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It seems to me that the only way someone like Soros could profit from the sudden and catastrophic decline, while other big shots and us wee folk got hammered, would be if he was actually orchestrating it through his many ghost entities. Soros has played similar games in the past with international currency trading.

I'm also suspicious of the timing of the market collapse, just in the nick of time to get Soros' favorite candidate elected.

Ironic that Soros escaped Communism as a young man, only to use Capitalism to grossly enrich himself, so that he could use his money to promote Communism for the unwilling masses.

The man is the virtual avatar of evil incarnate.

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I thought it was awfully Progressive for Hannity to refer to The One as Commissar-In-Chief. Finally someone uses his correct title, even if that someone is a Thought Criminal. O'Riley also had some Comrade who shared the truth about Soros controlling the govt. Excellent!

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Whoopie wrote:Ironic that Soros escaped Communism as a young man, only to use Capitalism to grossly enrich himself, so that he could use his money to promote Communism for the unwilling masses.

Let's not forget Howard Zinn, who escaped the Communists and makes a good living stating that AmeriKKKa is a force for evil.

Which he fled to.