Dr. Leonid Fuku is an official delegate of the USSA
Bureau of Healthcare Reform, and future commander
of the United Health Care System of the Americas.

"Clearly, the future is with United Global Front for
Healthcare, administered through a centralized
offshore office. It will solve all medical issues
for all the world's citizens. I, Health Kommissar
Leonid Fuku, am willing to address all things medical.
Ask your questions, but clearly state your Party
standing and location, or answers will not be

~ Doctor Fuku[/floatleft-nb]

Glorious new healthcare symbol!

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Hello to all fellow fighters of the Glorious World of Next Tuesday,
I know I've been a little quiet on here lately, I blame another, more local forum site. I've been trying (the keyword here) to toss around some thoughtcriminals (off)liberals(on).

Anyway, to make up for it, I thought I should draw your attention to the new symbol the Obamasiah has brought forth from the gloriousness of his holy mind. It is about his healthcare bill he wants rushed brought forth to harm benefit the AmeriKKKan proles. Here it is.

The site

The photo

Now ask yourself, does this look familiar? Haven't I seen some symbol like this before? Well I'll tell you what, I wouldn't of brought this to everyone had it not looked something our vets of WWII fought against. Something like. . .

Hmm. . . I still can't quite put my finger on it. . .

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Dear Leader sounded like a demagogue or demagod in the video, a cross between Huey Long, faux black minister, and Hitler. Inspiring? Yeah, if you swim at the shallow end of the gene pool.

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If we're going to promote The Party™ for health care we need to do it right...


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"No good design should go to waste."

As far as Bamster is concerned, Nazis had perfected it (he has been borrowing a lot from it - and this is the ultimate sign of admiration for their art of the masses).

Now, if we only replaced the wings on this symbol with Bamster's ears...

User avatar
Ah, our good leader is bringing forth a beautiful Cult of Personality to bring forth as new Amerikan Fascisti... just look how he has turned his symbol into something that should be worshiped!

Ah, how I love the Religion of the State™. Obamessiah, bring down your holy hand upon us with healing Socialist Healthcare might!

User avatar
Red Rooster wrote:If we're going to promote The Party™ for health care we need to do it right...

We should use this one instead.

User avatar
obamafu wrote:"No good design should go to waste."

As far as Bamster is concerned, Nazis had perfected it (he has been borrowing a lot from it - and this is the ultimate sign of admiration for their art of the masses).

Now, if we only replaced the wings on this symbol with Bamster's ears...
There wouldn't be enough space on these pictures to fit his ears Obamafu. It's like trying to fit Michael the Moore's stomach on that space.

User avatar
HG Wells predicted this. The ObamaCare segment begins at 1:50...

When I saw all those faceless people wandering mindlessly toward the Obama logo in the new health care image, that scene from Time Machine was the first thing that came to mind.

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Komissar Blogunov wrote:
When I saw all those faceless people wandering mindlessly toward the Obama logo in the new health care image, that scene from Time Machine was the first thing that came to mind.
So would that make democrats Molicons, and their sheep the Elois? What would that make us?

Sorry for the spelling of the two creatures of the future, it's been a while since I've read the book.

User avatar
It is glorious! The proletariat are so stupid and feeble, they cannot do anything unless they are first organized, similar to the way cattle community organizers cowboys orgranize herd cattle. Of course, this is for the masses own good so the Party must be forgiven if a few must be urged forward with prods. And, some are just irreconcilably obstructionist so the Party must be forgiven if a few are sent to the slaughterhouse early. The Party must be harsh and unyielding in its demands at times, but this is only for the good of the herd. It is not because we enjoy doing these things (well, we do, but that is not the only reason we do them) but it's for the common good.

And, this is how we in the Party know the so-called "protests" are just paid agitators sent out by the insurance companies. The proletariat is incapable of thinking or organizing on their own, so their must be something else behind them. That something is the enemy of reform.

Excuse me now, Comrades, but I have to go have dinner. I think I smell steak cooking.

User avatar
No one said our job would be easy Opiate, but just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't fun.However, I thought protesters were faithful Party proletariats who were the fastest but least effective folks who demanded Party progress.

(Runs so fast I leave a small blaze behind me to your house)
Did you say steak?! (Steak is my favorite food).

User avatar
Commissar_Elliott wrote:However, I thought protesters were faithful Party proletariats who were the fastest but least effective folks who demanded Party progress.

Protestors who support the Party in all its glorious works in its battle against reactionary imperialists (whoever they are today) are as you say. Protestors who do not support the Party agenda are vile tools of the oppressors. This is, was and always will be The Current TruthTM.

User avatar
Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Elliott, GMTA!

Scroll down to see the graphic.
Hello Pinkie,
It actually was Rush who inspired it, but I beat him to the punch in putting the graphics together in an article. Muahahahaha. . .

So yes, great minds do think alike. One note, I was listening to him that day online, you have to be a member to do that though.

User avatar
Between us members of the Inner Party a great portion of INGSOC's influence over the proles comes directly from the 'O'.

This message will cease to have ever existed in five minutes.

User avatar
INGSOC wrote:Between us members of the Inner Party a great portion of INGSOC's influence over the proles comes directly from the 'O'.

This message will cease to have ever existed in five minutes.
Liar! You are not of an Inner Party, I am not of any Inner Party! There is no Inner Party! This is why we are all equal :).

On another note, welcome to the Collective INGSOC, please report to your local railroad station with your shovel and warm cloths, and Hope you don't get sent to one of the gulags in Minnesota, it's extra cold there.

User avatar
We need people in Olympia Collective Gulag to work on the annual Evergreen State College (aka Berkley North) organic hemp product harvest.

User avatar
Commissar_Elliott wrote:
INGSOC wrote:nonmessage.
Liar! You are not of an Inner Party, I am not of any Inner Party! There is no Inner Party! This is why we are all equal :).

On another note, welcome to the Collective INGSOC, please report to your local railroad station with your shovel and warm cloths, and Hope you don't get sent to one of the gulags in Minnesota, it's extra cold there.

Commissar, with all due respect I am a member of the Inner Party and I have a purple and yellow Service Employees International Union tee shirt to prove it.

User avatar
All right, but I have my eye on you, but there is no Inner Party here at the Cube.

User avatar
I already posted it elsewhere, but I think it's a good illustration to this topic as well.


User avatar
If you want to hear some stories, I don't know if I should even call them sob stories because the last thing I want are reprocussions, but either way, check out the story secion of the site, if you want.
http://stories.barackobama.com/healthca ... tioncenter

Comrade Red Square, I'd be tempted to make the site an article in the Gulag for Trolls section, any objections?

User avatar
Permission granted.

And from now on, everybody else should also start requesting permissions before posting anything. In triplicate, notarized, and with an envelope of OPM attached with a red paper clip, but not stapled.

User avatar
Why not stapled? Did Milton (Office Space) burn down a Ministry building again?

Image It's suppose to be a red stapler, I blame the photographer.

BTW, if no one posts in the Gulag before I do, I'll get on it later today (it's 0:05 where I am).

User avatar
I can't help it. I'm drawn to the O.

"Go towards the O, Leninka. Don't resist. Go towards the O."

"Once you are there, everything will be fine."

"Go towards the O, Leninka. Don't resist. Go towards the O."

"Just fill out the forms for the Public Option Insurance, and go towards the O."

"All health insurance will be free."

"Only $400 a month will be taken out of your bank account every month by the IRS."

"Just go towards the O, Leninka. Don't resist. Go towards the O."

"Only $400 a month will be taken out of your bank account every month by the IRS."

"Just go towards the O, Leninka. Don't resist. Go towards the O."

User avatar
Oh, Glorious O!

Comrade Leninka, I can tell by your Nansky Peloski eyes that it's working...

You are a drawn herstute prog to glorious O...