
Hitler rants about Obamacare and right-wingers

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Comrades! I am delighted to show you another video from everybody's favorite National Socialist, Comrade Hitler:

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Comrade Joe, I find this most distressing. Adolf can't be complaining about right-wingers, he is a man of the right himself! We didn't spend millions of rubles take all that time paying-off instructing our useful idiots American academia to repeat the lie so often just to have someone like you tell the truth! If this gets out, someone may write a book about it!

I denounce Comrade Joe for telling the truth about Adolf.

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Stalin for Time wrote:Comrade Joe, I find this most distressing. Adolf can't be complaining about right-wingers, he is a man of the right himself! We didn't spend millions of rubles take all that time paying-off instructing our useful idiots American academia to repeat the lie so often just to have someone like you tell the truth! If this gets out, someone may write a book about it!

I denounce Comrade Joe for telling the truth about Adolf.

I denounce Stalin for Time for not realizing that:

a. I did not make this video, Comrade Hitler did.

b. This video is only accessible to Party members "in the know".

c. This Hitler is the left wing leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, his identical evil twin was the right wing fascist leader of the Nazi Party.

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Hitler was a greedy wretch. He wanted Socialism solely for the German people. Whereas Uncle Joe wanted to redistribute Socialism to the entire world.

The tyranny gift of Socialism should not be reserved just for one nation. Everyone deserves to suffer enjoy the glories that come with true economic equality.

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The reform plan, aimed at providing healthcare coverage for the nearly 50 million Americans that have none, also faces resistance among some conservative Democrats.People wonder who is behind the town hall riots when anyone discusses healthcare reform, or Obamacare – the answer is Conservatives for Patients' Rights. Conservatives for Patients Rights, or the CPR, is headed by one Rick Scott – who isn't a doctor – but used to be the CEO of a hospital, and under his watch, his medical administration defrauded Medicare of $1.7 billion through a practice called upcoding, wherein a Medicare patient gets treated, but Medicare is billed for additional tests that never took place. (That's fraud.) Realistically, Conservatives for Patients Rights and Mr. Scott will never need short term loans, and the only reason why they oppose the bill is that they want the money from the program for themselves.

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Talk about spreading fishy rumors.

Comrade AlyanaP - go flag yourself immediately to [email protected]! Unless, of course, that's where you received this pre-formatted message for posting. In that case it must be korrekt.