
War on Yard Sales, Lemonade Stands, Fuel Cells

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We the Proletariats have launched a new war on the bourgeoisie: War on Yard Sales, Lemonade Stands, Fuel Cells™! Yes, we are expanding our war efforts. We need more propaganda public relations on this effort to win this war. Whoever is excellent with graphics must create propaganda posters or whatever to convince the Masses™. As barter becomes more popular, we are aiming to tax yard sales, lemonade stands, fuel cells, and everything else sold on the black market which, by the way, is laissez faire, or also known as the free market to spread the wealth! Join the fight Comrades!

The federal government is poised to intervene in yard sales, flea markets, and against individuals selling any used goods that could be unsafe. Americans who slap even $1.00 price tags on used items are in danger of violating a new yard sale rulebook being issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).


CPSC says yard sale violators or vendors at Sunday afternoon flea markets are now subject to fines of up to $100,000 per transaction and up to $15 million for the related series of infractions. Such federal insanity is mirrored on the state level as well: In California, eight-year-old Daniela Earnest of Tulare was ordered to shut down her lemonade stand by the city council.


In a recent hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on crime, entrepreneur and inventor Krister Evertson told the amazing story of how the feds prosecuted him on a felony for failing to put a federally-mandated sticker on an otherwise legal UPS package he shipped with some of his supplies. After the fuel cell inventor was acquitted by a jury, the feds invented new charges that he had "abandoned" his fuel cell materials. Before Evertson got his life back, he spent nearly two years in prison.


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This is excellent news. These rummage capitalists are a terrible menace to society. Hey, just think how many shovel ready jobs this would create.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a federal yard sale inspector. I inspect and overlook all yards sales."

"How much do you make?"

"Forty thousand a year."

"Wow, I bet all the yard sales you visit don't add up to all that."

"No, what's your point?"