
A message regarding "Christmas"

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In the interests of true socialist compassion, and in an effort to further the exchange of Party Approved(TM) doctrine and ideals with the primitivenon socialized world, The Department of Time Management will be allotting 24 hours of rest time on December 25 for all collective members who wish it. Collective members are expected to use this additional time wisely, and to understand that such benevolent actions such as this are due to the kindness and compassion of Dear Leader Obama.

In addition, a day of celebration regarding the impending disasterpassage of Obamacare is declared.

Merry Christmas Comrades!!!

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Thank you Colonel and in appreciation of your tireless work for the collective I would like to pass to you this little gift......Which could be given at anytime of the year it is only by pure chance that I just should happen to do this on the 25th of December.

Would A little AK-47 Vodka trip the Colonel's finger?


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Merry Collectivus comrades and a Happy Start on our next Five Year Plan.

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Comrade Whoopie,

May the glorious world of next Tuesday get here by next Tuesday!

One of my sailors thought he would be cute and placed this in the seat of my desk. Don't worry he is now being keelhauled as we speak. Since I have no more need for this 'device' I'll pass it on to you.

Merry Non-denominational winter solstice season, Comrade Whoopie!


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Comrade Commodore; such a thoughtful gift. I am feeling somewhat guilty now though. You see, I had need for a ship to put in Philadelphia and perform some experiments with magnetic belts and whatnot, so I "borrowed" one of yours.

Sadly the result of my little experiment ended up sending your ship back in time with no handy way of retrieving it. Most unfortunate.

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I just discovered what ship you "borrowed" from me. Sneaky, Colonel, very sneaky!!!


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Strange. Wonder how that ship got chosen? Anyway it's back, although I had to detain and interrogate the crew, so it may be a while before they are returned to your command.

The ship did manage to go back to the very beginning of paleolithic liberalism and record some amazing footage. In between examining and questioning the crew further I will release some astounding transcripts of early proto-socialism very soon.