
I can remain Silent No More Racism on this site must end

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Yes, I agree to both. You can remain silent and we must end the "No more racism" policy on this site.

Oh wait, I think I misunderstood your headline. Moving along then...

I don't think the crime here is the term cracker, since Jack is obviously a honky and deserves it (although his little doggie seems to be of mixed race). No, I object to "Jack" since it's clearly sexist and offensive to the brave femembers of the Naval Service.Why not Cracker Jacqueline?

It's just not racism to use offense terms when speaking of Caucasians. Although I managed to get through today and accused Rush Limbaugh of racism (why isn't he dead?) because he used the term white in reference to the late, great Ted Kennedy. I thought I was being pretty clever. But he seemed a bit confused. Having to explain what I was talking about kinda ruined the impact of the moment. That guy is just so frustrating.

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....which begs the question:

Is Red Rooster an Asian Cock or a Cock Asian?

And where is that Commissar of Time™ when you need a wormhole?
Wud up wit dat?
Somebody needs to go back in time to correct The Negro Leagues and The United Negro College Fund and put them into context with The Current Truth™.

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I can tell you right now, there is racism all over the Cube. I see it all the time. No wonder Comrade Mousey Tongue goes into hiding all the time. It's racism, I tell you, racism. Why can't Red Square simply call himself Square? Why must he always point out his color? And Comrade Pinkie, there it is again, a reference to color. Even talk about going green is racist -- again, a reference to color. Not until every color is removed from the Cube will we have a completely colorless collective. And, as a light skinned black woman who speaks without a Negro dialect, I can't tell you how outraged I am.

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Comrades, I attempted to wormhole back in time and change the UNCF and Negro League names, but I was laughed out of the most unprogressive past. These poor souls demanded self sufficiency, standing on their own, and being individuals instead of embracing the glorious collective and collecting what is due them from the government.

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Marx, Red Rosa, & Lenin!
The Colonel's brain has become infected by RELIGION in the Time Warp.
Quick! Get 1000cc of Hope solution and the Change defibulator. We must act quick or we'll lose him!

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This is a persistent problem with Comrade 7.62. It might also help to put him on KP once in a while. Cleaning and cooking beets and peeling potatoes to feed the masses is always good for the soulgun crazed soldier, and it might even put him in a position to win the heart and soulrespect of a female prole.

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As if my defeat in the Palin saga wasn't enough, I now find that I have been a total failure in my efforts to re-educate the comrades at the Cube.

Repeat after me: "There can be NO RACISM against Whites!!"

BY DEFINITION Blacks cannot be racist and Whites cannot be the victims of racism.

Sheesh. Have I achieved absolutely nothing at all here?

One Settler One Bullet!


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to keep the behind the scenes attitude in alignment with the party's™ policies of correctness, i am changing the term 'black op' to 'grey op' until further notice.

reporting agent: greymarket citizen - the peoples grey op

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Excellent, Comrade Blackmarket/Greymarket Citizen,

It's always good to be in the grey zone. Here at the Cube, black and white is considered the way evil Rethuglicans think. There is no right or wrong, or black or white. This is why a corrupt politician like Nanski Peloski who filters money through her husband's business, is really just a grey thing.

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:Souls?


Marx, Red Rosa, & Lenin!
The Colonel's brain has become infected by RELIGION in the Time Warp.
Quick! Get 1000cc of Hope solution and the Change defibulator. We must act quick or we'll lose him!

Relax Comrades, relax.

Sometimes one has to get deep into character when bouncing around timelines. Suffice it to say when I got home I drank a bottle of Obama Snake Oil, and ate some beets. Also I had a Jiffi Lobo(TM)

But please, trust me. I'm from the Government and I'm here to help.

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End racism- do it for the (non-negro-dialect-speaking) children!!!

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NEIN! NEIN!! We can't end racism! What would our Damocratic comrades do to subvert the radical conservatives?! A tool is a tool is a tool . . . and if Barackisk Hussein Obaminisk knows anything, he knows about TOOLS.

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Oh. My. God. If we allowed a wormhole through time then Climate Change could become Global Warming and since there is no such thing as Global Warming we'd have to get a job.

This means that we must murder re-educate 7.62, the Commissar of Time, lest he undo our good work.

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Child of Chernobyl -

We will address your concern as soon as you put your text in writing underneath the offending picture and remove the graphic text from it that is wider than the Party-approved quota of 577 pixels.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Job? We'd have to get J O B S?!


Oh hell no ....

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Red Square -
Please to forgive my indolence, I will board the next train to the re-education camp. Please to excpet my ap-po-lo-gie.

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CoC -

You have partially rectified the situation. In fact, typing the message here instead of placing it on a picture allows your comrades to quote it without retyping. It also allows to search for this post using particular phrases, while words on the image, in the eyes of a search engine, are not words at all, but petrified pixel droppings.