
I Solemnly Swear To Arrest All Our Political Enemies

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The prospect of revolutionary change in our lifetime is bringing out the best in all of us. Here, a fellow comrade in the struggle makes the case: Communists, Socialists - health care is a Right and the Constitution demands we arrest our political enemies for political crimes: the insurance fat cats, the oil fat cats, the Republican lackeys and the big bankers of Wall Street.

So that even the lowliest Prog can understand, he's basically saying: "I solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and to arrest and charge our political enemies for political crimes and bring them to justice."

Once this sort of thing starts we'll all be a lot safer. Soon, we might even have a Committee of Public Safety.

The Framers of the Constitution would be proud of this call to action.


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I'll take this opportunity to make MY voice "heard"... "shut the freak up, jackasses", which I believe is an 'almost' direct quote from Queen King Fuhrer Mr. Obam. Healthcare is NO "right", it is a product, and like all products, it's one that we buy, that we purchase, with legally found money we've earned. Stop trying to deem everything you're greedy soul wants, as a "right" and try reading the Constitution and finding out what IS "right".

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"Repubs SUKKS Consurvatives SUKKS Kapitalism SUUKS SUUKS SUUKS"

(pleaze buy my music)

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: Healthcare is NO "right", it is a product

Indeed it is a product, a rightful product created by the Party. Like all products it must be sold to the proles. Like any product it must be paid for, by the proles. And, it must be dispensed to the masses by us, the the Party, as we see fit.

It's our right and we'll do with it as we please.

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I solemnly swear to defend my country against any enemies foreign and within, including those who cause noise pollution, and I know the young man's intentions are all well and good, but as he is a noise polluter, he will need to be purged when the time comes. In the meantime, he is a classic useful idiot.