
The People's Bike vs. Ahhh Whatever

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A very unenlightened prole posted the following on another site and I simply felt it my duty to my fellow travelers to share the following:[/LEFT]
" We have had it with you low life bastards !

I live in a neighborhood that features a few no doubt well-meaning but utterly obnoxious Harley owners. Deafening noise can be a thrill, but I'd rather have some measure of control over when and where I hear it. Harley riders don't seem to realize it, but their choice of outsize in-your-face self-expression is the only thing worse than the Hummer H2.

Why? It's the utter selfishness, stupid. "The entire world loves my motorcycle music just like me!" Or, perhaps, "I'm big and tough, just like my loud pipes!" Whatever the individuals' rationalization, they're forcing everyone within a mile or two to suffer from the annoyance they create.

I'm sick of the ever-increasing "Hey, don't be a prude" response when pointing out that something's stupid. But Harleys are stupid. They're stupid because they exist only for the purpose of creating a gawdawful racket. Why not a BMW? It's fast and quiet. Why not any number of Asian two-wheelers? Same benefits. But no. A Harley, a creaking tribute to technologies long dead, is the order of the day.

"Loud pipes save lives?" Not when I'm removing my sword from the next Harley rider who interrupts my sleep, my phone conversations, recording sessions or general right to a little peace and quiet. Or perhaps I'll blast Barry Manilow outside my local riders' domiciles at 2:30 in the morning. Don't like it? Don't be such a prude, man. "

-- David Ingram
My reply to David Ingram and, his representative trole "nathanbforest" was:

"Comrades, you need to report to the nearest Karl Marx Reeducation Center for a quick Lobo job. You're not being properly [or even equally] unselfish for The People. Your selfishness to "control when and where" you hear another's noise is unequal to the selfishness of those creating the noise. So, report immediately, or I'll have to denounce you to the nearest CrimeThought Kommissioner. Budem zdorovy, Comrades!

Comrade Ingram's "representative" 'nathanbforest' responded to me with:

"...does the noise boost your low self esteem and ego ? Does it make you feel better about your small penis ? "

Thus, because this "conversation" lingered at length and because Comrade "nathanbforest" submitted one EPA quote after another insisting that The People riding Harleys should be taxed for "excessive acoustic pollution", moreover "Harely riders" are being labeled as "libertarians" for some odd reason lately, I have no choice but to denouce them both. A very sad day in the People's garden. Heads-up on "acoustic pollution" comrades.

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Comrade, I'm not sure why you would think you still have the freedom to ride what you like where you like but this is the new millennium now. You may only do that which offends no one.
Well, heh heh, except Christians. Christians are ok to offend, actually encouraged.
As to nathanbforest, he is not a Party official, so you don't need to listen to him, or really pay him any attention at all. Unless he is a protected racial class. He didn't mention race did he? If not, you are ok.
So, I'd suggest you find yourself a nice little Honda motorscooter to ride, preferably something hybrid or battery-powered. Don't forget your "Jesus sux" leather jacket and plenty of rainbow bumper stickers. Hope this helps and good luck!
Simon B. Prude

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Comrade Kupkake, I didn't know that our beloved Government Motor bought bailed out Honda . . . errr, Harley?

Glorious!Free Putt Putt rides for all!

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I think Harley's are gay. That was the message on South Park anyway.

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Comrade, Comrade Kupkake.

I have to agree with my "fellow traveler" Ingram on this one. Where is your compassion for the good of the collective? The good intentioned peasant, comrade Ingram, is only doing what a any enlightened freedom hating liberal should do. Has your time in The People's Cube not taught you anything about "correct opinions" for progressive liberalism?

About the slanderous comment regarding your People's Repopulation Device (PRD), please inform him that any deficiencies will be addressed and paid for by the populace as soon as Obama-Care kicks in...or perhaps a new program called Cash for Co.....never mind.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:I think Harley's are gay. That was the message on South Park anyway.
I couldn't resist but to post this.

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Noise won't be an issue for much longer! Not when we (disclaimer: by we, I mean "most of those that toe the party line") will all get a FREE (that's right, I said FREE!!!) "Peoples personal conveyance device™" So put that in your pipe and smoke it, eeeevil re-thug-li-kkkans.

Peoples karaoke™ time! "get your batteries chargin', head out on the side walk...lookin' for adventure, courtesy of ba-rack..."


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I have received my 'government provided traveling instrument'.


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Panem Et Circenses wrote:Comrade, I'm not sure why you would think you still have the freedom to ride what you like where you like but this is the new millennium now. You may only do that which offends no one.
Well, heh heh, except Christians. Christians are ok to offend, actually encouraged.
As to nathanbforest, he is not a Party official, so you don't need to listen to him, or really pay him any attention at all. Unless he is a protected racial class. He didn't mention race did he? If not, you are ok.
So, I'd suggest you find yourself a nice little Honda motorscooter to ride, preferably something hybrid or battery-powered. Don't forget your "Jesus sux" leather jacket and plenty of rainbow bumper stickers. Hope this helps and good luck!
Simon B. Prude

Comrade, I am most humbled by your re-instruction setting my mind lowly prole attitude right again. Yes, yes, of course -- how selfish of me not to grasp a Party Teaching Opportunity (PTO) and encourage comrade nathanbforest, clearly an elevated party member, not only wise to Party doctrine, but upcoming Party policies as well.

Indeed, so very shameful of me to cling to my beloved American manufactured a loud and obnoxious Harley motorcycle for any conscious or subconscious reason whatsoever.

Regarding your superior ride alternative suggestion, I will certainly look into hybrid/battery-powered motorcycles or perhaps forego them altogether and request permission to trade- in my Harley (spit, spit) for a Party approved paddle/electric bicycle.

Budem zdorovy!


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Comrade Kupkake, how glorious of you to think of the collective instead of your own capitalist needs! This is the mandated Obobmo Obambo Obamera way. Coming to this mandated conclusion on your own, is much superior than receiving a visit from beloved comrade Rahm and his Chicago thugs assistants.


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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Comrade Kupkake, how glorious of you to think of the collective instead of your own capitalist needs! This is the mandated Obobmo Obambo Obamera way. Coming to this mandated conclusion on your own, is much superior than receiving a visit from beloved comrade Rahm and his Chicago thugs assistants.


Comrade Pulloskies, I so graciously thank you for welcoming me to the Cube. I'm not sure how I found my way here; perhaps I was yanked, pulled, shoved, pushed screaming drawn to Dear Leader's superior doctrines of collectiveness like somekind of shovel-to-magnet experience. Nevertheless, how fearful grateful I am to be here to recieve (relatively free) endless mindnumbing the ultimate exchange of mis dis information and reenforcement of conditioninglikemindedness.

As always - Via la Kollective!

Post Script: Your Party approved and provided traveling instrument is most equal and adequate. How entitled enlightened!

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Progress continues toward a more socially responsible world of transportation thanks to Lord Obama's bold takeover of the automotive industry. I have come across a photo of a GM concept car that will soon be mandatory to purchase......or face a government fine. The beauty is that a loan for the concept car cannot be denied due to any pre-existing debt problems. The loans will be distributed through the government's Direct Loan dept. only comes in A People's RED.
A name for the concept car has yet to be determined. Any suggestions?

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Glorious alternative, El Presidente. However, I was pondering these too:

Summertime Ride

Wintertime Ride

What are your thoughts?

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Comrade Kupkake wrote: Summertime Ride

What are your thoughts?

Great idea, long as I get to ride in the back while you drive.

However, I do have a question that has me a bit perplexed. As the evil petrolium will no longer be around to destroy The People's planet, can you please explain to me what the side gasoline cap is for? Exactly what substance will be entered into this opening and for what purpose?

By the the sunroof....better to see our smog free sky with.

However, the Wintertime Ride will not be necessary as all of the ice caps will be melted from over 230 years of capitalism and free market destruction.

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El Presidente & Comradess Kupkake, these are glorious government mandated provided rides! Government Motors alternator's must swell with Green pride at their Progressive accomplishments. Fitness & health all tired up in one big bundle!

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Comrade Kupkake wrote: What are your thoughts?
I think the Chinese have beaten us at our own game a long time ago.

Harley Davidson holds the U.S. Patent on the bad muffler, and is anxious that other manufacturers not infringe. Thus they make extensive use of it to keep their claim current.

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El Presidente wrote:
Comrade Kupkake wrote: Summertime Ride

What are your thoughts?

Great idea, long as I get to ride in the back while you drive.

However, I do have a question that has me a bit perplexed. As the evil petrolium will no longer be around to destroy The People's planet, can you please explain to me what the side gasoline cap is for? Exactly what substance will be entered into this opening and for what purpose?

By the the sunroof....better to see our smog free sky with.

However, the Wintertime Ride will not be necessary as all of the ice caps will be melted from over 230 years of capitalism and free market destruction.

Comrade El Presidente,

the gasoline cap is simply a nostaligic appeasement for The People, and let's not forego our wintertime transportation alternatives just yet as Siberia, and other such places, are slow to thaw. Very slow indeed.

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However, I do have a question that has me a bit perplexed. As the evil petrolium will no longer be around to destroy The People's planet, can you please explain to me what the side gasoline cap is for? Exactly what substance will be entered into this opening and for what purpose?

Comrade Kupkaka, I am of guessing that El Presidente would very much like to see repurpose of olden gasoline tank (for which a locking gasoline cap still needed) to be of storage for People's Vodka(TM). As new government vehicles will no longer require passenger to also be driver how relaxing it now to be to enjoy hearty drink while backseat driving.

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Ah yes, the gas tank would be a glorious vodka container, would it not! Nothing like a little additional octane to the People's fuel.