
Local Area Sanitation Worker Trashes Tea-Party Protest

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Image Sanitation worker Ned Smellbadsky sports a previously discarded protest item.

LOCAL NEWS- A local area sanitation worker doesn't mince words when it comes to the Tea-Party protests that have happened recently over the years at Diversity park. " I can't stand those guys," Ned Smellbadsky proclaims.

When pressed for the reason he feels that way Ned explained: " I make a pretty good wage and being unionized also has its benefits, and I think anyone would always be happy to have a little extra money in their pockets on top of it, these Tea-Party folks would rather see me not have any extra money".

For the record, the average hourly wage for a sanitation worker locally is 20 dollars an hour.

Ned went on, " Now these protests at Diversity park usually happen on a holiday, and that used to mean for me and my co-workers double time and half to clean up after them, not a bad chunk of change for a few hours of extra work".

For comparison a past Anti-Bush protest rally had produced an estimated 7 tons of garbage strewn across the Diversity park grounds

"But after these Tea-Party rallies! Heck, we're lucky if they leave three gum wrappers and two lousy cigarette butts to pick up after them so the bosses won't authorize any overtime!"

Ned fumed and then went on to further trash talk the Tea Party movement.

"Why can't they be slobs like those left-wing protesters? And we could always count on finding some real cool goodies to pick up after their protests.... empty tear gas canisters, cool vendor wear like I'm sporting now and the usual empty star-bucks cups, roach-clips etc keeping us busy and getting some pretty fat bucks in the process!"

Ned was then asked as to why the Tea -Party members were so neat after their protests.

Ned Stated "Easy, they hate the working class people like me they'll do anything to ensure that I don't get anymore taxpayer funded benefits than my basic hourly salary".

Ned's co-worker Arm Pittsy agreed with Ned and also was steamed at the Tea-Party movement, he stated:

" They talk garbage out of their mouths at their rallies and at least they could have the common courtesy to drop some real garbage on the ground, heck with that overtime they are denying me, I'm going to have to cut back on that trip to Vegas".

When contacted a Tea-Party spokesman had no comment as to the sanitation workers complaints.

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Hmmm should Ned and fellow co-workers be such disgruntlers then perhaps they are ripe for recruitment to my husband's freedom fighter cause. There is much garbage in that organizatin to be taken out.

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I infiltrated a local protest and was shocked that, after the protest had ended, these rightwing, fascist, raaaaciiiiist, homophobic hatemongers cleaned up after themselves! What kind of sick, twisted people are they to deprive sanitation workers overtime???? These people, if that's what they are, should be stopped because they obviously are out of touch and have a problem with the working person. Something must be done to end this. Stop the TEA Party protests! It's not like there's some constitutional right of assembly.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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They are no lovers of planet Earth that's for sure. How can we agitate to save the planet and demand more tax dollars for Green initiatives if nobody pollutes?

Without evidence of pollution there is no point to protesting against it. It's the same with poverty. How can you advocate for the homeless when everyone is prosperous? What's to become of us in the Community Organizing Industry? Who needs Unions when the workers and management are on good terms?

I'm hereby calling on all environmentalists to go out and throw some trash around. Burn a tire or two. Club a baby seal for the sake of Marx.

Dammit we have to do everything. Tea Baggers aren't violent so we have to be. Whites aren't racist so we have to contrive racial hoaxes. Now the Tea Baggers won't pollute so we have to go out and throw garbage around. What next?

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This is an outrage. The People™ should have their own protest, 'Un-green the Planet To Save the Garbage Workers'™ . We can start by throwing all our waste, garbage, food debit and bodies and toiletries out the gulag window for others to pickup!
Oh, wait we already do that............

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Pour Ned. I see a lawsuit here. It's all the Teabaggers' fault. Ned is a true victim, much like Dear Leader, a true victim's victim (I seem to be on a victim kick--it all started in another post).